Ruxandra Cesereanu
red lace
why would I want to rip holes in your skin like red lacewhy would I want to touch your brain
to hold it in my hands and say, finally you’re here, my love
why would I want to gulp down your solitude like raw flesh
why would I seek god to pull his fingernails out one by one
why would I want to caress your eyelashes
to make certain that I’m having sexual contact with an angel
why do I talk like a fallen lost woman under the streetlights?
dantela roşie
dantela roşie
de ce oare aş vrea să spintec pielea ta ca pe o dantelă roşiede ce oare aş vrea să îţi ating creierul
să-l ţin în mâini şi să-i spun iată-te în sfârşit iubitule
de ce oare aş vrea să înghit singurătatea ta ca pe o carne crudă
de ce oare l-aş căuta pe dumnezeu doar ca să-i smulg unghiile una câte una
de ce oare aş vrea să-ţi pipăi genele
doar ca să mă-ncredinţez că am contact sexual cu un înger
de ce oare vorbesc ca o femeie pierdută şi prăbuşită sub felinare.
From: Coma
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Poems of Ruxandra Cesereanu
red lace
why would I want to rip holes in your skin like red lacewhy would I want to touch your brain
to hold it in my hands and say, finally you’re here, my love
why would I want to gulp down your solitude like raw flesh
why would I seek god to pull his fingernails out one by one
why would I want to caress your eyelashes
to make certain that I’m having sexual contact with an angel
why do I talk like a fallen lost woman under the streetlights?
From: Coma
red lace
why would I want to rip holes in your skin like red lacewhy would I want to touch your brain
to hold it in my hands and say, finally you’re here, my love
why would I want to gulp down your solitude like raw flesh
why would I seek god to pull his fingernails out one by one
why would I want to caress your eyelashes
to make certain that I’m having sexual contact with an angel
why do I talk like a fallen lost woman under the streetlights?

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère