Poetry International Poetry International

Ruxandra Cesereanu


the bite between the thighs comes from lust
that a knife often cannot cut loose
that chops you into pieces softens you
that slyly unbends you sets you back on earth
that tosses you into briers turns you black
the heavens may eat you with their yearning and squalor
that may remove your marrow with greedy suck
pigs may gobble it chew it
the madwoman sick man in a tavern with crows
a green forest in the veins floats on clouds
drinks tobacco and rides a stolen fish-mule
we’re either masters with broken knees or killers and thieves
awaiting us all a small or big grave
hair cut off hair cut off a black insanity to tie and untie
I loved to the hilt I loved by heft
the brandy in my body became a horse tipsy with grace
deformity straightened its stilts of fire
vultures and ravens may devour me
lest I axe to bits the burden of my lust
kiss me until my teeth fall out
scratch me down to the bare bone
pull my hair light my fire take me to make a sinner of
because my poor inside-out heart has dried up like an glove



muşcătura-ntre coapse vine de la o poftă
pe care nici cuţitul nu poate să o taie
care te face bucăţele te înmoaie
te desdoaie hoţeşte te pune la pământ
te aruncă-ntre mărăcini te înnegreşte
mânca-o-ar raiul de flămânzenie şi spurcăciune
care-ţi suge măduva lăcomeşte
porcii să o hăpăie să o stâlcească
femeia nebună bărbatul bolnav într-o cârciumă cu ciori
pădurea verde din vene pluteşte pe nori
bea tutun şi călăreşte un catâr de peşte furat
fie că suntem stăpâni cu genunchii zdrobiţi sau omorâtori şi hoţi
o groapă mică sau mare ne aşteaptă pe toţi
păr tăiat păr tăiat o sminteală neagră de legat şi dezlegat
am iubit până-n plăsele am iubit la cântar
rachiul din trup s-a făcut cal beat cu har
strâmbăciunea şi-a-ndreptat picioroangele de foc
vulturii şi corbii m-ar mânca
de nu mi-aş ciopârţi cu toporul pofta belea
sărută-mă până mi se clatină dinţii
zgârie-mă până la ultimul os
trage-mă de păr frige-mă fă-ţi păcat cu mine
că mi s-a uscat inima sărăca de ea întoarsă ca o mănuşă pe dos


the bite between the thighs comes from lust
that a knife often cannot cut loose
that chops you into pieces softens you
that slyly unbends you sets you back on earth
that tosses you into briers turns you black
the heavens may eat you with their yearning and squalor
that may remove your marrow with greedy suck
pigs may gobble it chew it
the madwoman sick man in a tavern with crows
a green forest in the veins floats on clouds
drinks tobacco and rides a stolen fish-mule
we’re either masters with broken knees or killers and thieves
awaiting us all a small or big grave
hair cut off hair cut off a black insanity to tie and untie
I loved to the hilt I loved by heft
the brandy in my body became a horse tipsy with grace
deformity straightened its stilts of fire
vultures and ravens may devour me
lest I axe to bits the burden of my lust
kiss me until my teeth fall out
scratch me down to the bare bone
pull my hair light my fire take me to make a sinner of
because my poor inside-out heart has dried up like an glove


the bite between the thighs comes from lust
that a knife often cannot cut loose
that chops you into pieces softens you
that slyly unbends you sets you back on earth
that tosses you into briers turns you black
the heavens may eat you with their yearning and squalor
that may remove your marrow with greedy suck
pigs may gobble it chew it
the madwoman sick man in a tavern with crows
a green forest in the veins floats on clouds
drinks tobacco and rides a stolen fish-mule
we’re either masters with broken knees or killers and thieves
awaiting us all a small or big grave
hair cut off hair cut off a black insanity to tie and untie
I loved to the hilt I loved by heft
the brandy in my body became a horse tipsy with grace
deformity straightened its stilts of fire
vultures and ravens may devour me
lest I axe to bits the burden of my lust
kiss me until my teeth fall out
scratch me down to the bare bone
pull my hair light my fire take me to make a sinner of
because my poor inside-out heart has dried up like an glove
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère