Ruxandra Cesereanu
tonight I’m going to dance seven hoursfor my life and my death with silken reins
then for love with rings and troubles
then for dull knives from serpentine bowels
then for fears sent cunningly no one knows where
then for god who slouches against the wall like a transvestite
then for the devil who lights the little flames in the granite chamber
and in the end I’m going to dance for the blood spilled
into the subterranean trough of an unidentified flying object
(my power of destruction and love is strong).
la noapte voi dansa şapte orepentru viaţa şi moartea mea cu hăţuri de catifea
apoi pentru dragostea cu inele şi belele
apoi pentru cuţitele tocite din măruntaiele îndoite
apoi pentru spaimele trimise la naiba ştie cu viclenie
apoi pentru dumnezeu sprijinit de-un zid ca un travestit
apoi pentru diavolul care face focuri mici în odaia de granit
iar la sfârşit voi dansa pentru sângele răsturnat
în troaca subpământeană a unui obiect zburător neidentificat
(puterea mea de distrugere şi de iubire e mare).
From: Coma
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Poems of Ruxandra Cesereanu
tonight I’m going to dance seven hoursfor my life and my death with silken reins
then for love with rings and troubles
then for dull knives from serpentine bowels
then for fears sent cunningly no one knows where
then for god who slouches against the wall like a transvestite
then for the devil who lights the little flames in the granite chamber
and in the end I’m going to dance for the blood spilled
into the subterranean trough of an unidentified flying object
(my power of destruction and love is strong).
From: Coma
tonight I’m going to dance seven hoursfor my life and my death with silken reins
then for love with rings and troubles
then for dull knives from serpentine bowels
then for fears sent cunningly no one knows where
then for god who slouches against the wall like a transvestite
then for the devil who lights the little flames in the granite chamber
and in the end I’m going to dance for the blood spilled
into the subterranean trough of an unidentified flying object
(my power of destruction and love is strong).

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère