Ruxandra Cesereanu
I lost a lot of blood for obscure reasonsas if in front of a movie camera
I ran into the wilderness for as long as I had strength
and yet my heart’s broken over you
it burst into tiny delicate threads
they say I walk around my tongue swollen from love
like an old nag of a camel like a rabid bitch foaming at the mouth
they say I no longer have any shame
indeed I no longer feel any shyness
I tear my clothes off and touch myself
and touch myself cold wet dry hot
because my heart’s broken over you
fibrous swollen juicy husks
my heart’s burst only for one man
I had to wrap it in newspaper
so the flies wouldn’t come so it won’t grow worms so it won’t stink
my heart’s broken over you
its hinges and tubes the women in me are mesmerized their tongues sticking out
on the way to be tamed on the way to be killed
my heart’s burst and now lies down strangely obedient in an orphanage.
am pierdut mult sânge din pricini care nu sunt exacteca în faţa unei camere de filmat
am fugit cât m-au ţinut puterile în pustie
şi totuşi inima mi-a crăpat după tine
a pleznit desfăcându-se-n firişoare suave
mi se spune că umblu cu limba scoasă de dragoste
ca o cămilă mârţoagă ori ca o căţea spumegând
mi se spune că nu mai am ruşine
într-adevăr nu mai am nici un pic de sfială
fiindcă doar spasme se rostogolesc prin tuburile mele din trup
îmi rup singură hainele şi mă ating
şi mă ating şi mă ating rece umed uscat fierbinte
fiindcă inima mi-a crăpat după tine
aţoasă umflată zemoasă borhot
inima mea a pleznit pentru un singur bărbat
drept care am fost silită să o înfăşor într-un ziar
să nu vină muştele
să nu facă viermi să nu miroase urât
inima mea a crăpat după tine
balamalele ei şi femeile din mine stau cu limba scoasă
pe cale de a fi dresate pe cale de a da ortul popii
inima mea a pleznit şi zace acum ciudat de cuminte la orfelinat.
From: Coma
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Publisher: Editura Vinea, București
Poems of Ruxandra Cesereanu
I lost a lot of blood for obscure reasonsas if in front of a movie camera
I ran into the wilderness for as long as I had strength
and yet my heart’s broken over you
it burst into tiny delicate threads
they say I walk around my tongue swollen from love
like an old nag of a camel like a rabid bitch foaming at the mouth
they say I no longer have any shame
indeed I no longer feel any shyness
I tear my clothes off and touch myself
and touch myself cold wet dry hot
because my heart’s broken over you
fibrous swollen juicy husks
my heart’s burst only for one man
I had to wrap it in newspaper
so the flies wouldn’t come so it won’t grow worms so it won’t stink
my heart’s broken over you
its hinges and tubes the women in me are mesmerized their tongues sticking out
on the way to be tamed on the way to be killed
my heart’s burst and now lies down strangely obedient in an orphanage.
From: Coma
I lost a lot of blood for obscure reasonsas if in front of a movie camera
I ran into the wilderness for as long as I had strength
and yet my heart’s broken over you
it burst into tiny delicate threads
they say I walk around my tongue swollen from love
like an old nag of a camel like a rabid bitch foaming at the mouth
they say I no longer have any shame
indeed I no longer feel any shyness
I tear my clothes off and touch myself
and touch myself cold wet dry hot
because my heart’s broken over you
fibrous swollen juicy husks
my heart’s burst only for one man
I had to wrap it in newspaper
so the flies wouldn’t come so it won’t grow worms so it won’t stink
my heart’s broken over you
its hinges and tubes the women in me are mesmerized their tongues sticking out
on the way to be tamed on the way to be killed
my heart’s burst and now lies down strangely obedient in an orphanage.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère