Poetry International Poetry International

Ruxandra Cesereanu

mucous membranes skin

women detours basements
progeny objects men
broken ropes orange fires
impulses shapes bones
what can you do with what can’t be done
birds wearing makeup
a boxing glove raised to the sky
cows chewing cuds eternally
gold watches and black time
damned corners you bump yourself on
people rounded like ostrich eggs
hospitals visited young and old
mucous membranes skin

mucoase membrane pielițe

mucoase membrane pielițe

femei ocolişuri subsoluri
progenituri obiecte bărbaţi
frânghii rupte incendii oranj
impulsuri forme oase
ce-i de făcut cu ceea ce nu se poate face
păsări fardate
o mănuşă de box ridicată la cer
vaci rumegând în veşnicie
ceasuri de aur şi timp negru
colţuri mizere de care te ciocneşti
oameni ghemuiţi ca nişte ouă de struţ
spitale vizitate la tinereţe şi bătrâneţe
mucoase membrane pieliţe.

mucous membranes skin

women detours basements
progeny objects men
broken ropes orange fires
impulses shapes bones
what can you do with what can’t be done
birds wearing makeup
a boxing glove raised to the sky
cows chewing cuds eternally
gold watches and black time
damned corners you bump yourself on
people rounded like ostrich eggs
hospitals visited young and old
mucous membranes skin

mucous membranes skin

women detours basements
progeny objects men
broken ropes orange fires
impulses shapes bones
what can you do with what can’t be done
birds wearing makeup
a boxing glove raised to the sky
cows chewing cuds eternally
gold watches and black time
damned corners you bump yourself on
people rounded like ostrich eggs
hospitals visited young and old
mucous membranes skin
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère