Poetry International Poetry International



What will remain
to light for the lovers the candles of our days?
Which words from the dictionaries
of our innards and limbs will survive?
Which from our distant myths?
What will remain
except what our killers have said:
      we wrote our whims with the ink of our contempt
      and we lived without wisdom
      and inhabited a poem.


Wat zal overblijven
en voor geliefden de kaarsen van onze dagen aansteken
welke woorden
uit de woordenboeken van onze ingewanden en ledematen zullen blijven
uit onze legenden van een ver verleden?
Wat zal overblijven
behalve wat onze moordenaars zeiden:
Wij schreven ons verlangen met onze bittere inkt 
leefden zonder wijsheid
woonden in een gedicht


 ما الذي سوفَ يبقى
  ويُشعِلُ للعاشقين قناديلَ أيّامِنا ؟
ما الكلامُ الذي سوفَ يَبْقى
من مَعاجِمِ أحشائِنا وأعضائِنا
مِنْ أساطيرِنا البعيدهْ ؟
ما الذي سوفَ يَبْقى
غَيرُ ما قاله قاتِلونا :
       كَتَبْنا بحبرِ مَراراتِنا هَوانا
      وعِشْنا بلا حِكْمة
وَسَكنّا قَصيدَهْ.


What will remain
to light for the lovers the candles of our days?
Which words from the dictionaries
of our innards and limbs will survive?
Which from our distant myths?
What will remain
except what our killers have said:
      we wrote our whims with the ink of our contempt
      and we lived without wisdom
      and inhabited a poem.


What will remain
to light for the lovers the candles of our days?
Which words from the dictionaries
of our innards and limbs will survive?
Which from our distant myths?
What will remain
except what our killers have said:
      we wrote our whims with the ink of our contempt
      and we lived without wisdom
      and inhabited a poem.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère