Poetry International Poetry International



Love, unable to sleep.
    And night, like dawn
    goes to his cave.
And lovers toss their names
in inkwells where the ink only knows their death.
A star skips over graves
    whose names
            the mouth of the wind refuses
    to pronounce.
She embraces me and leaves.


Daar is de liefde ontwaakt
en de nacht gaat net als de morgen
naar zijn hol
Geliefden gooien hun namen
in inktpotten waarin de inkt niets weet dan dat zij stierven
Een ster flaneert over de graven
die zelfs de mond van de wind niet zullen delen
in het noemen van haar namen
Zij omhelst mij, verdwijnt


هَا هُوَ الحبُّ سَهْرانُ ،
    واللّيل ، كالفَجْرِ ،
   يَمضي إلى كَهْفِهِ.
والمحبّون يَرْمونَ أَسْماءَهُم
 في محابِرَ لا يعرف الحبْرُ فيها سِوى مَوْتِهم.
نجمةٌ تَتنزَّه فوق القبور
    التي لن يُشارِكَ حتّى فَمُ الرّيحِ
    في ذِكْرِ أسمائِها،
    عانَقَتْني وغابَتْ .


Love, unable to sleep.
    And night, like dawn
    goes to his cave.
And lovers toss their names
in inkwells where the ink only knows their death.
A star skips over graves
    whose names
            the mouth of the wind refuses
    to pronounce.
She embraces me and leaves.


Love, unable to sleep.
    And night, like dawn
    goes to his cave.
And lovers toss their names
in inkwells where the ink only knows their death.
A star skips over graves
    whose names
            the mouth of the wind refuses
    to pronounce.
She embraces me and leaves.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère