Poetry International Poetry International


this a temple

this a temple
just as my present lover’s
chain of teeth is a temple
her mouth once kissed a reveller
in the engenho novo carnival
since then she has scales on her teeth
pearls on her teeth teeth on her teeth
her body is a temple inside and around her
larger than the whole of her enormous
and envelops her head like a muscle
a temple can only be understood
from its inside
it’s in the temple that
this unconditional love is kept
we are each other’s temple

dit is een tempel

dit is een tempel
zoals de tandenketting van haar
die nu mijn geliefde is een tempel is
haar mond die eens een losbol kuste
op het carnaval van engenho novo
sindsdien heeft ze schubben op haar tanden
parels op haar tanden tanden op haar tanden
haar lichaam is van binnen en rondom een tempel
groter dan haar hele zelf enorm in haar
en omvat haar hoofd als een spier
een tempel kan alleen van binnenuit
worden begrepen
deze tempel bewaart
onze onvoorwaardelijke liefde
wij zijn elkaars tempel

este é um templo
como é templo o colar de dentes
desta que agora é minha amante
sua boca que certa vez beijou um folião
no carnaval do engenho novo
desde então tem escama nos dentes
pérolas nos dentes dentes nos dentes
seu corpo é templo por dentro e à volta
maior que toda ela enorme nela
e circunda sua cabeça como um músculo
um templo só pode ser compreendido
de dentro do templo
é no templo que está guardado
esse amor incondicional
somos templo um do outro

this a temple

this a temple
just as my present lover’s
chain of teeth is a temple
her mouth once kissed a reveller
in the engenho novo carnival
since then she has scales on her teeth
pearls on her teeth teeth on her teeth
her body is a temple inside and around her
larger than the whole of her enormous
and envelops her head like a muscle
a temple can only be understood
from its inside
it’s in the temple that
this unconditional love is kept
we are each other’s temple

this a temple

this a temple
just as my present lover’s
chain of teeth is a temple
her mouth once kissed a reveller
in the engenho novo carnival
since then she has scales on her teeth
pearls on her teeth teeth on her teeth
her body is a temple inside and around her
larger than the whole of her enormous
and envelops her head like a muscle
a temple can only be understood
from its inside
it’s in the temple that
this unconditional love is kept
we are each other’s temple
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère