Poetry International Poetry International


the day rises in golden fury

the day rises in golden fury
                        and before it
antennae plot revolutions
with their antennae’s mind
to live and to die is not much –
what’s left is to await cancer in the ligaments
in the time of the time             that’s left
this music of stone:
                                                            this i
that inhabits a body
                                                            is less than body
and refuses to be happy in this city
and grows old without having ever been young
even if the antennae sustain insect elegance
                                                            against the afternoon
                                                            metallic cluster
                                                            on filthy slabs

de dag verschijnt met de furie van goud

de dag verschijnt met de furie van goud
                                               en voor hem
bekokstoven antennes de revolutie
volgens hun antenneverstand
geboren worden en sterven stelt weinig meer voor –
rest het wachten op kanker van het bindweefsel
in de tijd van de tijd              die rest
deze muziek van steen:
                                               dit ik
dat een lichaam bewoont
                                               is minder dan lichaam
en weigert gelukkig te zijn in deze stad
en veroudert zonder ooit jong te zijn geweest
ook al volharden de antennes in hun insecteneleganties
                                               tegen de middag
                                               metalige zwerm
                                               op smoezelige schalies

o dia surge com a fúria do ouro
e ante ele
antenas conspiram a revolução
no seu entendimento de antenas
nascer e morrer já não é grande coisa –
sobra aguardar dos ligamentos o câncer
no tempo do tempo    que resta
esta música de pedra:
esse eu
que habita um corpo  
é menos que corpo
e recusa a ser feliz nesta cidade
e envelhece sem jamais ter sido jovem
ainda que as antenas sustentem elegâncias de inseto
contra a tarde
cardume metálico
no encardido das lajes

the day rises in golden fury

the day rises in golden fury
                        and before it
antennae plot revolutions
with their antennae’s mind
to live and to die is not much –
what’s left is to await cancer in the ligaments
in the time of the time             that’s left
this music of stone:
                                                            this i
that inhabits a body
                                                            is less than body
and refuses to be happy in this city
and grows old without having ever been young
even if the antennae sustain insect elegance
                                                            against the afternoon
                                                            metallic cluster
                                                            on filthy slabs

the day rises in golden fury

the day rises in golden fury
                        and before it
antennae plot revolutions
with their antennae’s mind
to live and to die is not much –
what’s left is to await cancer in the ligaments
in the time of the time             that’s left
this music of stone:
                                                            this i
that inhabits a body
                                                            is less than body
and refuses to be happy in this city
and grows old without having ever been young
even if the antennae sustain insect elegance
                                                            against the afternoon
                                                            metallic cluster
                                                            on filthy slabs
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère