Poetry International Poetry International

Barbara Korun


How pain like a fruit unpeels from inside its own skin, warm
and gentle. How for the first time you feel the weight of the
body. Now you are no longer flying, now you are here. Being
here is your destiny, your first breath a scream as the earthly
breaks into the delicate incarnate soul. This is why children’s
eyes are clear and glowing, why love joins what has never
been separated. It only seems that the flash of the blade is
what engendered yearning, began the measurement of time,
because now there can be no passing away, not ever. In this
tiny body everything is encompassed – a moment’s flash and
now it grows and it is.

Now light, clear light has colour and hardness and heat. It
waits to be touched.



Kako se bolečina izlušči v sad, topel in mil. Prvič začutiš težo telesa.
To, da ne letiš, da si tu. Ker biti tu  je naša usoda in prvi vdih krik, ko
zemeljsko vdre v dušo, še vso rahlo. Zato so otroške oči žareče in  
jasne, da se v ljubezni sprime, kar nikoli ni bilo ločeno, nikoli. Le
pogledu se zdi, da je blisk rezila spočel hrepenenje, začel meriti čas.
Ker vse je in traja, nikoli ne mine. V drobnem telesu zajeto je vse. V
trenutku, v hipu, in raste in je.

Luč, čista luč pa ima toploto in barvo in trdnost, pripravljeno na dotik.
Barbara  Korun

Barbara Korun

(Slovenië, 1963)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Slovenië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Sloveens

Gedichten Dichters


Kako se bolečina izlušči v sad, topel in mil. Prvič začutiš težo telesa.
To, da ne letiš, da si tu. Ker biti tu  je naša usoda in prvi vdih krik, ko
zemeljsko vdre v dušo, še vso rahlo. Zato so otroške oči žareče in  
jasne, da se v ljubezni sprime, kar nikoli ni bilo ločeno, nikoli. Le
pogledu se zdi, da je blisk rezila spočel hrepenenje, začel meriti čas.
Ker vse je in traja, nikoli ne mine. V drobnem telesu zajeto je vse. V
trenutku, v hipu, in raste in je.

Luč, čista luč pa ima toploto in barvo in trdnost, pripravljeno na dotik.


How pain like a fruit unpeels from inside its own skin, warm
and gentle. How for the first time you feel the weight of the
body. Now you are no longer flying, now you are here. Being
here is your destiny, your first breath a scream as the earthly
breaks into the delicate incarnate soul. This is why children’s
eyes are clear and glowing, why love joins what has never
been separated. It only seems that the flash of the blade is
what engendered yearning, began the measurement of time,
because now there can be no passing away, not ever. In this
tiny body everything is encompassed – a moment’s flash and
now it grows and it is.

Now light, clear light has colour and hardness and heat. It
waits to be touched.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère