Slavko Jendričko
Relationship with the Scene
At the city’s edgea retired Croatian veteran
plays the anthem
every day
at 6 o’clock in the morning
and hoists the tricolor flag
on the 15 meter mast.
This man is religious
I say,
I feel somewhat insecure
in the moroseness of every day.
I’m sitting in the car
with my foot on the gas pedal
as to whether to change something,
Back then I wouldn’t think twice
I’d speed off into the sky
and stay there forever.
© Translation: 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović
Odnos s prizorom
Odnos s prizorom
Na periferiji gradaumirovljeni hrvatski branitelj
svaki dan
u 6 sati ujutro
svira Lijepu našu
i na jarbol visok 15 metara
podiže trobojnicu.
Ovaj je čovjek religiozan
osjećam određenu nesigurnost
u mrzovolji svakodnevlja.
Sjedim u autu
s nogom na papučici gasa
treba li se nešto promijeniti
u bilo kom smislu.
Nekad ne bih dvojio
Odjurio bih u nebo
i ostao zauvijek.
© 2005, Slavko Jendričko
From: Kada prah ustaje
Publisher: MH Sisak, Sisak
From: Kada prah ustaje
Publisher: MH Sisak, Sisak
Gedichten van Slavko Jendričko
Odnos s prizorom
Na periferiji gradaumirovljeni hrvatski branitelj
svaki dan
u 6 sati ujutro
svira Lijepu našu
i na jarbol visok 15 metara
podiže trobojnicu.
Ovaj je čovjek religiozan
osjećam određenu nesigurnost
u mrzovolji svakodnevlja.
Sjedim u autu
s nogom na papučici gasa
treba li se nešto promijeniti
u bilo kom smislu.
Nekad ne bih dvojio
Odjurio bih u nebo
i ostao zauvijek.
From: Kada prah ustaje
Relationship with the Scene
At the city’s edgea retired Croatian veteran
plays the anthem
every day
at 6 o’clock in the morning
and hoists the tricolor flag
on the 15 meter mast.
This man is religious
I say,
I feel somewhat insecure
in the moroseness of every day.
I’m sitting in the car
with my foot on the gas pedal
as to whether to change something,
Back then I wouldn’t think twice
I’d speed off into the sky
and stay there forever.
© 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère