Slavko Jendričko
For a long time I watched the sunnow I’m learning the saint’s trade.
Now mercy finally
drips drop by drop down the face.
These are the days
when stains reveal the invisible crime,
when sheets are washed,
and hands shiver in soap.
And here: in the clean weave of the tongue,
you are so cold, sinless touch;
it’s impossible to erase it.
© Translation: 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović
Dugo sam gledao u sunce,sada učim za sveca.
Sada napokon milosrđe
kaplje kap po kap niz lice.
Ovo su dani
kada mrlje odaju nevidljiv zločin,
kada se peru plahte,
a ruke drhture u sapunici.
A tu: na čistom tkanju jezika,
kako si hladan, bezgrešni dodir;
nemoguće ga je izbrisati.
© 2005,
From: Kada prah ustaje
Publisher: MH Sisak, Sisak
From: Kada prah ustaje
Publisher: MH Sisak, Sisak
Gedichten van Slavko Jendričko
Dugo sam gledao u sunce,sada učim za sveca.
Sada napokon milosrđe
kaplje kap po kap niz lice.
Ovo su dani
kada mrlje odaju nevidljiv zločin,
kada se peru plahte,
a ruke drhture u sapunici.
A tu: na čistom tkanju jezika,
kako si hladan, bezgrešni dodir;
nemoguće ga je izbrisati.
From: Kada prah ustaje
For a long time I watched the sunnow I’m learning the saint’s trade.
Now mercy finally
drips drop by drop down the face.
These are the days
when stains reveal the invisible crime,
when sheets are washed,
and hands shiver in soap.
And here: in the clean weave of the tongue,
you are so cold, sinless touch;
it’s impossible to erase it.
© 2006, Tomislav Kuzmanović

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère