Poetry International Poetry International

Edvard Kocbek


The primordial time seems so far away
and yet so mercilessly close.
Some days are painfully pure
and people so dark
I wonder how I can breathe at all,
how my lungs expand and
how dangerously, relentlessly,
I live my life, wild at heart.
Only when a noble hunger for the smell
of a woman awakens in me
does the life of my body become
high and deep, wide
and so virginal I can feel my soul
and everything I am composed of,
but above all
I remember my time in the cradle
where the sweet smell of a woman
is the most painful and the most intoxicating.
Then I unwillingly lean forward
as if this sweetness will draw me down to earth
from which I will never rise again.

Zenske dišave

Zenske dišave

Tako dalec je prvi cas
in tako neusmiljeno blizu,
tako cisti so nekateri dnevi
in tako biriško temni ljudje,
da sam ne vem vec, kako diham
kako se mi širijo pljuca in
kako vratolomno, neusmiljeno
In skoraj divje zivim. Šele
takrat, ko me zacne muciti
plemenita lakota po vonju
zenskega bitja postane
zivljenje mojega telesa
visoko in globoko, široko
in tako brezmadezno, da dobro
zacutim svojo dušo in okoli
nje ves svoj sestav, predvsem
pa se spomnim svoje nepozabnosti
v zibelki, kjer so zenske dišave
najbolj bolece in opojne.
Takrat se vsakikrat nagnem
nehote naprej, kakor da bom
od sladkosti padel na zemljo
in se nikoli ne bom vec vzdignil.


The primordial time seems so far away
and yet so mercilessly close.
Some days are painfully pure
and people so dark
I wonder how I can breathe at all,
how my lungs expand and
how dangerously, relentlessly,
I live my life, wild at heart.
Only when a noble hunger for the smell
of a woman awakens in me
does the life of my body become
high and deep, wide
and so virginal I can feel my soul
and everything I am composed of,
but above all
I remember my time in the cradle
where the sweet smell of a woman
is the most painful and the most intoxicating.
Then I unwillingly lean forward
as if this sweetness will draw me down to earth
from which I will never rise again.


The primordial time seems so far away
and yet so mercilessly close.
Some days are painfully pure
and people so dark
I wonder how I can breathe at all,
how my lungs expand and
how dangerously, relentlessly,
I live my life, wild at heart.
Only when a noble hunger for the smell
of a woman awakens in me
does the life of my body become
high and deep, wide
and so virginal I can feel my soul
and everything I am composed of,
but above all
I remember my time in the cradle
where the sweet smell of a woman
is the most painful and the most intoxicating.
Then I unwillingly lean forward
as if this sweetness will draw me down to earth
from which I will never rise again.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère