Edvard Kocbek
I implore my memory to reach back, to seize all doubtsand despairs, all hopes and passions, all dreams and funerals,
all prophecies and disappointments, all the killed, crippled
and wounded, desecrated, all exalted on altars and wrapped in
flags, all intoxicated by happiness and sobered from sorrow, let me
remember all weepings and jubilations, all funny stories and loves,
all sins, all leaps into the unknown, all fires, floods, earthquakes
and God\'s commandments, let all the tender fragile ties that bind
body and soul, me and someone else, be revealed, let me perceive
all conceptions and gentle abandons, all the shameful
confessions and states of purity, let the remembrances of a
these vibrate inside me and my surroundings, and let me be
included in the collective guilt and the collective absolution.
I, thus, request to be able. to keep neighbors in front of and behind
me, be the middleman of messages from the future even though
they at times are strange, incomprehensible, threatening or
calming, brief or tedious. It is probable that none of us fully
understands the whole game, but courage itself is absolute
and all-knowing.
© Translation: 1977, Sonja Kravanja
From: Embers in the House of Night
From: Embers in the House of Night
Prosim, da bi mi spomin segel dalec nazaj in obsegel vse dvome in obupe,vsa upanj\'a in zanose. vse sanje in pogrebe. vse prerokbe in razocaranja, vse
ubite, pohabljene in ranjene, oskrunjene, vse na oltar povzdignjene in v zastave
ovite, blazne od srece in trezne od nesrece, naj se spomnim vseh jokov in vriskov,
vseh smešnic in ljubezni, vseh grehov, vseh skokov v neznano, vseh pozarov.
Povodnji, potresov in bozjih zapovedi, naj si odkrijem vse nezne nitke, ki vezejo
telo in dušo, mene in bliznjika, naj si predocim vsa spocetja in blage sprostitve,
vsa sramotna priznanja in vsa cista stanja, vsega tega naj se spomnim v sebi
in v svoji okolici, predvsem pa naj se vkljucim v skupno krivdo in v skupno
odvezo. Prosim torej, da bi se še dalje drzal soseda pred seboj in soseda za
seboj in sprejemal porocila od spredaj in jih predajal nazaj, ceprav so vcasih tuja,
nerazumljiva, preteca ali pomirljiva, kratka in naporna. Morda nihce med nami
ne razume igre do kraja, vendar je drznost brezpogojna in vsevedna.
© 1977, Edvard Kocbek, Matjaz Kocbek
From: Zbrane pesmi
Publisher: Cankarjeva založba,
From: Zbrane pesmi
Publisher: Cankarjeva založba,
Poems of Edvard Kocbek
I implore my memory to reach back, to seize all doubtsand despairs, all hopes and passions, all dreams and funerals,
all prophecies and disappointments, all the killed, crippled
and wounded, desecrated, all exalted on altars and wrapped in
flags, all intoxicated by happiness and sobered from sorrow, let me
remember all weepings and jubilations, all funny stories and loves,
all sins, all leaps into the unknown, all fires, floods, earthquakes
and God\'s commandments, let all the tender fragile ties that bind
body and soul, me and someone else, be revealed, let me perceive
all conceptions and gentle abandons, all the shameful
confessions and states of purity, let the remembrances of a
these vibrate inside me and my surroundings, and let me be
included in the collective guilt and the collective absolution.
I, thus, request to be able. to keep neighbors in front of and behind
me, be the middleman of messages from the future even though
they at times are strange, incomprehensible, threatening or
calming, brief or tedious. It is probable that none of us fully
understands the whole game, but courage itself is absolute
and all-knowing.
© 1977, Sonja Kravanja
From: Embers in the House of Night
From: Embers in the House of Night
I implore my memory to reach back, to seize all doubtsand despairs, all hopes and passions, all dreams and funerals,
all prophecies and disappointments, all the killed, crippled
and wounded, desecrated, all exalted on altars and wrapped in
flags, all intoxicated by happiness and sobered from sorrow, let me
remember all weepings and jubilations, all funny stories and loves,
all sins, all leaps into the unknown, all fires, floods, earthquakes
and God\'s commandments, let all the tender fragile ties that bind
body and soul, me and someone else, be revealed, let me perceive
all conceptions and gentle abandons, all the shameful
confessions and states of purity, let the remembrances of a
these vibrate inside me and my surroundings, and let me be
included in the collective guilt and the collective absolution.
I, thus, request to be able. to keep neighbors in front of and behind
me, be the middleman of messages from the future even though
they at times are strange, incomprehensible, threatening or
calming, brief or tedious. It is probable that none of us fully
understands the whole game, but courage itself is absolute
and all-knowing.
© 1977, Sonja Kravanja
From: Embers in the House of Night
From: Embers in the House of Night

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