Mária Ferenčuhová
1A landscape – a map.
Houses scattered around
or completely washed away,
remnants of squares,
intersections with perfect surfaces,
carefully-drawn lanes,
not a trace of blood,
an abandoned construction set,
only the road is absorbed by mud
or mud licks the road.
A little boy has lost interest,
dribbling the ball on another playground.
Thousands of springlets, streams, feeders
run on the rocks, growing wider,
advancing, roaring,
and if you stumble,
first they go round you like a pebble,
someone stops, dams the stream,
other ones leap over, pull,
walk on,
trample –
a bit further,
down aslant,
in the red heat
the only drop slides down the tube,
falls on a stone, bounces off, sizzles,
the rest evaporate by the way –
a rough, dry
little tongue
licks my hand:
Somewhere on the fringe of perception
lithospheric plates
move somewhat,
the back straightens,
vertebrae crack,
the earth moves,
the giantess yawns,
and immediately digests
all that falls inside.
A landscape – a postcard.
Containers, boxes,
the noses of houses dug into the soil.
In the giant pavement cracks
invasions of scavengers are confronted with only boards,
papers and bricks.
On an empty ground two trees remained.
Celestial peace
– or almost celestial –
on the cathedral without towers
ruins rise up like hairs standing on end .
We are watchmakers.
Me and my little son.
He has two alarm clocks. He says:
I want these two alarm clocks
to be next to each other.
This one will be Next to
and this one Each other.
Create the world from words.
From nothing:
A landscape – scenery.
Once magnificent buildings,
palaces of modernism,
tall railway headquarters
with all their windows smashed,
a station, a hotel, a department store,
a hospital, a villa on the hill,
nearby, housing estates,
cardboards, concrete, glass,
cracked stucco,
sagging walls, layers of dirt,
skeletons of cities in too vast a space.
And hordes of vandals
on short-legged horses
occupy distant shores,
there is still a place to travel to,
things to eat
and anything old can be
looked up in archives
but hardly anyone would do it.
Not everything is in vain.
Now and then grass trembles,
lashes rise, revealing the gaze.
You look at me. You see me.
Today my hair won’t fall over my face,
a cut won’t ruin the frontal image.
I won’t hide behind the screen again,
today we’ll rest on the axis of our looks
at eye level
(you needn’t always wish to go as far as heaven)
and move our gaze from above the table
into the bedroom or onto the carpet.
Mucous membranes, villi, tissue, cytoplasm,
fibrils, folded clusters, geometrical figures,
– a world ruined at a stroke.
The substance remains constant:
one organism absorbs another,
building palaces on its foundations.
A haemorrhagic shock, studying the contents of the chamber pot,
external signs, sunken eyes, dry mouth,
fatigue. A faint smile. Without a smile.
Or without any symptoms:
a sudden fall from the staircase right to coma.
The torn, cut, scratched
skin at least allows
the healing process to be observed.
I can’t hear moist threads tear inside me.
I observe the skin in panic.
It must reflect what goes on inside!
But macro world replies micro world.
Somewhere in the distance other cities
collapsed with rumbling or resistance.
We are embracing each other in an old house,
when it shakes with construction works in the loft.
We hide behind double glazing and thick walls,
under the ceiling held up by the warmed air.
We pushed the cot close to our bed
to feel safer,
while the wind rattles
the open roof and the sun whitens it
like a trepanned skull of a patient dead for centuries.
You sleep. The dust on the furniture doesn’t stir.
The parquet floor isn’t squeaky.
Our son still sleeps, too.
Only on the walls, among the toys,
in the bookcase and under the cupboard,
in the bathroom behind the washing machine,
next to the sofa and on the window frame
his clock ticks fiercely, without mercy.
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: Ars Poetica, Bratislava, 2012
Publisher: Ars Poetica, Bratislava, 2012
1.Landschap – 'n kaart.
Huizen verstrooid in de omgeving
of totaal weggespoeld,
resten van pleinen,
kruispunten met volmaakt oppervlak,
nauwkeurig getekende lijnen,
geen sporen van bloed,
verlaten bouwmateriaal,
alleen de weg zinkt in de modder
of de modder likt aan de weg.
Het kereltje verloor interesse,
zijn bal dribbelt al op een ander speelveld.
Duizenden beekjes, kreekjes, zijstroompjes
rennen over de rotsen, groeien,
hollen voort, brullen,
en als je struikelt,
pakken ze je eerst in als een keitje,
iemand stopt zelfs, blokkeert de stroom,
de anderen springen over, trekken,
lopen door,
vertrappen –
ietsje verder,
schuin beneden,
in de rode hitte
glijdt de enige druppel door de buis,
valt op een steen, kaatst af, sist,
de rest is onderweg verdampt –
een ruw en droog
likt mijn hand:
nog eens.
Ergens op de rand van waarneming:
lithosferische platen
bewegen heel even,
de rug recht zich,
de wervels kraken,
de aarde verschuift,
de reuzin gaapt
en wat naar binnen valt
verteert zij zonder schroom.
Landschap – 'n ansichtkaart.
Containers, dozen,
nokken van huizen bedolven in klei.
In de gigantische gaten van de stoep
in weerwil van scharrelaars alleen planken,
papier en bakstenen.
In de lege ruimte staan nog twee bomen.
Hemelse rust
– of bijna hemels –
op de kathedraal zonder torens
rijzen de ruïnes steeds als haren te berge.
We zijn horlogemakers.
Ik en mijn zoontje.
Hij heeft twee wekkers. Hij zegt:
Ik wil deze twee wekkers
naast elkaar.
Deze wordt Naast
en deze Elkaar.
De wereld scheppen uit woorden.
Uit het niets:
Landschap – 'n decorstuk.
Ooit imposante gebouwen,
paleizen van moderniteit,
kantoortoren van de spoorwegen
met kapotgeslagen ruiten,
station, hotel, warenhuis,
ziekenhuis, op de heuvel een villa,
iets verder de woonwijk,
karton, beton, glas,
gebarsten sierpleister,
ingezakte muren, opgehoopt vuil,
skeletten van steden in teveel ruimte.
En horden vandalen
op lage paarden
bezetten verre kusten,
ach, er is volop te reizen,
altijd te eten,
en al het oude kan men toch
in de archieven vinden,
maar wie zou dat nog zoeken.
Niet alles is vergeefs.
Af en toe trilt het gras,
wimpers, opgetrokken, onthullen de blik.
Je kijkt me aan. Je ziet me.
Vandaag slingert mijn haar niet voor mijn gezicht,
een snelle plaat zal het beeld niet doen mislukken,
ik zal me niet weer achter het scherm verschuilen,
vandaag zullen we rusten op de assen van onze blikken,
op ooghoogte
(je hoeft niet altijd tot aan de hemel te reiken)
en onze blik richten vanaf de tafel
op de slaapkamer of op het vloerkleed.
Slijmvlies, klonters, weefsels, cellen, cytoplasma,
draadjes, gerangschikte data
– in een handomdraai ontwrichte wereld.
De substantie blijft onveranderd:
het ene organisme verzwelgt het andere,
bouwt paleizen op diens fundamenten.
Hemorragische shock, onderzoek naar de inhoud van de po,
uiterlijke symptomen, ingevallen ogen, droge mond,
vermoeidheid. Flauwe glimlach. Geen glimlach.
Of helemaal geen symptomen:
plotselinge val van de trap direct in coma.
De gescheurde, gesneden, opengekrabde
huid laat ons tenminste
het proces van de genezing volgen.
Ik kan vochtige draadjes in mijn binnenste niet horen scheuren.
In paniek observeer ik mijn huid.
Ze moet toch weerspiegelen wat er binnen gebeurt!
Maar de microwereld krijgt antwoord van de macrowereld.
Ergens in de verte zijn andere steden
denderend en zonder verzet ingestort.
We vlijen ons tegen elkaar aan in het oude huis
dat schudt door een verbouwing op zolder.
Schuilen achter dubbel glas en dikke muren,
onder een plafond alleen gestut door te warme lucht.
Het kinderbedje pal naast ons bed gezet,
om ons veiliger te voelen,
terwijl de wind rammelt
aan het open dak en de zon het bleekt
als een doorboorde schedel
van een sinds eeuwen dode patiënt.
Je slaapt. Het stof op de meubels verroert zich niet.
De parketvloer kraakt niet.
Ook onze zoon slaapt nog.
Alleen aan de muren, tussen het speelgoed,
in de boekenkast, ook onder het buffet,
in de badkamer achter de wasmachine,
naast de bank en op het raamkozijn
tikt driftig, onverbiddelijk zijn klok.
© Vertaling: 2017, Jana Beranová
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava
1Krajina – mapa.
Domy rozmetané po okolí
alebo celkom spláchnuté,
zvyšky námestí,
križovatky s dokonalým povrchom,
dôkladne vykreslenými pruhmi,
ani stopy po krvi,
opustená stavebnica,
len cesta sa vpíja do blata,
alebo blato oblizuje cestu.
Chlapčiatko stratilo záujem,
loptou už dribluje na inom ihrisku.
Tisíce pramienkov, bystriny, prítoky
bežia po skalách, mohutnejú,
napredujú, hučia,
a ak sa potkneš,
najskôr ťa obídu ako okruhliak,
dokonca niekto zastane, zahatá prúd,
ďalší už preskočia, potiahnu,
prejdú po,
podupú –
o čosi ďalej,
šikmo dolu,
v červenej páľave
jediná kvapka skĺzne trubicou,
dopadne na kameň, odskočí, zasyčí,
zvyšné sa vyparia po ceste –
drsný a suchý
oblizne mi ruku:
Niekde na okraji vnímania
sa litosferické dosky
na sekundu pohnú,
chrbát sa vystiera,
stavce praskajú,
posunie sa zem,
obryňa zazíva,
a čo do útrob napadá,
to bez váhania strávi.
Krajina – pohľadnica.
Kontajnery, škatule,
vrcholky domov zaryté v hline.
V obrovských prasklinách chodníkov
čelia nájazdom zberačov už iba dosky,
papiere a tehly.
Na prázdnom priestranstve ostali dva stromy.
Nebeský pokoj
– alebo takmer nebeský –
na katedrále bez veží
sa trosky stále ježia ako vlasy.
Sme hodinári.
Ja a môj malý syn.
Má dva budíky. Vraví:
Chcem, aby tieto budíky
boli vedľa seba.
Tento bude Vedľa
a tento Seba.
Tvoriť svet zo slov.
Z ničoho:
Krajina – kulisa.
Kedysi honosné budovy,
paláce modernity,
vysoká železničná centrála
s povybíjanými oknami,
stanica, hotel, obchodný dom,
nemocnica, na kopci vila,
obďaleč sídliská,
kartóny, betón, sklo,
popraskaný brizolit,
sadnuté múry, nánosy nečistôt,
kostry miest v priveľkom priestore.
A hordy vandalov
na nízkych koníkoch
obsadzujú vzdialené pobrežia,
veď je kam putovať,
stále je čo jesť,
a všetko staré sa predsa dá
dohľadať v archívoch,
ale kto by to už hľadal.
Nie všetko je márne.
Občas sa tráva zachveje,
riasy sa zdvihnú a poodhalia pohľad.
Dívaš sa na mňa. Vidíš ma.
Dnes sa mi vlasy nezosypú do čela,
frontálny záber nezruší rýchly strih,
neschovám sa zase za monitor,
dnes spočinieme na osi našich pohľadov
vo výške očí
(netreba vždy chcieť dôjsť až do neba)
a prenesieme pohľad sponad stola
do spálne alebo na koberec.
Sliznice, klky, tkanivá, bunky, cytoplazma,
vlákenká, zriasené zhluky
– šmahom ruky rozvrátený svet.
Podstata zostáva nemenná:
jeden organizmus pohlcuje iný,
vystaví paláce na jeho základoch.
Hemoragický šok, štúdium obsahu nočníka,
vonkajšie príznaky, vpadnuté oči, sucho v ústach,
malátnosť. Mdlý úsmev. Bez úsmevu.
Alebo celkom bez príznakov:
náhly pád zo schodov priamo do kómy.
Potrhaná, porezaná, rozškrabaná
pokožka aspoň dovoľuje sledovať
proces hojenia.
Nepočujem, či sa mi vnútri trhajú vlhké nitky.
V panike pozorujem kožu.
Musí predsa odrážať, čo sa deje dnu!
No mikrosvetu odpovie makrosvet.
Ďalšie mestá sa kdesi v diaľke
s dunením a bez odporu zrútili.
Vinieme sa k sebe v starom dome,
keď ním otriasajú stavebné práce v podkroví.
Skrývame sa za dvojité sklá a hrubé múry,
pod stropom, čo nadnáša už iba preteplený vzduch.
Detskú postieľku sme prirazili k našej,
aby sme sa cítili bezpečnejšie,
kým vietor kmáše
otvorenú strechu a kým ju slnko bieli
ako trepanovanú lebku už storočia mŕtveho pacienta.
Spíš. Prach na nábytku sa ani nepohne.
Parkety nevŕzgajú.
Aj náš syn ešte spí.
Len na stenách, medzi hračkami,
v knižnici aj pod kredencom,
v kúpeľni za práčkou,
vedľa pohovky a na okennom ráme
zúrivo, neúprosne tikajú jeho hodiny.
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: Ars Poetica, Bratislava
Publisher: Ars Poetica, Bratislava
Poems of Mária Ferenčuhová
1A landscape – a map.
Houses scattered around
or completely washed away,
remnants of squares,
intersections with perfect surfaces,
carefully-drawn lanes,
not a trace of blood,
an abandoned construction set,
only the road is absorbed by mud
or mud licks the road.
A little boy has lost interest,
dribbling the ball on another playground.
Thousands of springlets, streams, feeders
run on the rocks, growing wider,
advancing, roaring,
and if you stumble,
first they go round you like a pebble,
someone stops, dams the stream,
other ones leap over, pull,
walk on,
trample –
a bit further,
down aslant,
in the red heat
the only drop slides down the tube,
falls on a stone, bounces off, sizzles,
the rest evaporate by the way –
a rough, dry
little tongue
licks my hand:
Somewhere on the fringe of perception
lithospheric plates
move somewhat,
the back straightens,
vertebrae crack,
the earth moves,
the giantess yawns,
and immediately digests
all that falls inside.
A landscape – a postcard.
Containers, boxes,
the noses of houses dug into the soil.
In the giant pavement cracks
invasions of scavengers are confronted with only boards,
papers and bricks.
On an empty ground two trees remained.
Celestial peace
– or almost celestial –
on the cathedral without towers
ruins rise up like hairs standing on end .
We are watchmakers.
Me and my little son.
He has two alarm clocks. He says:
I want these two alarm clocks
to be next to each other.
This one will be Next to
and this one Each other.
Create the world from words.
From nothing:
A landscape – scenery.
Once magnificent buildings,
palaces of modernism,
tall railway headquarters
with all their windows smashed,
a station, a hotel, a department store,
a hospital, a villa on the hill,
nearby, housing estates,
cardboards, concrete, glass,
cracked stucco,
sagging walls, layers of dirt,
skeletons of cities in too vast a space.
And hordes of vandals
on short-legged horses
occupy distant shores,
there is still a place to travel to,
things to eat
and anything old can be
looked up in archives
but hardly anyone would do it.
Not everything is in vain.
Now and then grass trembles,
lashes rise, revealing the gaze.
You look at me. You see me.
Today my hair won’t fall over my face,
a cut won’t ruin the frontal image.
I won’t hide behind the screen again,
today we’ll rest on the axis of our looks
at eye level
(you needn’t always wish to go as far as heaven)
and move our gaze from above the table
into the bedroom or onto the carpet.
Mucous membranes, villi, tissue, cytoplasm,
fibrils, folded clusters, geometrical figures,
– a world ruined at a stroke.
The substance remains constant:
one organism absorbs another,
building palaces on its foundations.
A haemorrhagic shock, studying the contents of the chamber pot,
external signs, sunken eyes, dry mouth,
fatigue. A faint smile. Without a smile.
Or without any symptoms:
a sudden fall from the staircase right to coma.
The torn, cut, scratched
skin at least allows
the healing process to be observed.
I can’t hear moist threads tear inside me.
I observe the skin in panic.
It must reflect what goes on inside!
But macro world replies micro world.
Somewhere in the distance other cities
collapsed with rumbling or resistance.
We are embracing each other in an old house,
when it shakes with construction works in the loft.
We hide behind double glazing and thick walls,
under the ceiling held up by the warmed air.
We pushed the cot close to our bed
to feel safer,
while the wind rattles
the open roof and the sun whitens it
like a trepanned skull of a patient dead for centuries.
You sleep. The dust on the furniture doesn’t stir.
The parquet floor isn’t squeaky.
Our son still sleeps, too.
Only on the walls, among the toys,
in the bookcase and under the cupboard,
in the bathroom behind the washing machine,
next to the sofa and on the window frame
his clock ticks fiercely, without mercy.
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava
1A landscape – a map.
Houses scattered around
or completely washed away,
remnants of squares,
intersections with perfect surfaces,
carefully-drawn lanes,
not a trace of blood,
an abandoned construction set,
only the road is absorbed by mud
or mud licks the road.
A little boy has lost interest,
dribbling the ball on another playground.
Thousands of springlets, streams, feeders
run on the rocks, growing wider,
advancing, roaring,
and if you stumble,
first they go round you like a pebble,
someone stops, dams the stream,
other ones leap over, pull,
walk on,
trample –
a bit further,
down aslant,
in the red heat
the only drop slides down the tube,
falls on a stone, bounces off, sizzles,
the rest evaporate by the way –
a rough, dry
little tongue
licks my hand:
Somewhere on the fringe of perception
lithospheric plates
move somewhat,
the back straightens,
vertebrae crack,
the earth moves,
the giantess yawns,
and immediately digests
all that falls inside.
A landscape – a postcard.
Containers, boxes,
the noses of houses dug into the soil.
In the giant pavement cracks
invasions of scavengers are confronted with only boards,
papers and bricks.
On an empty ground two trees remained.
Celestial peace
– or almost celestial –
on the cathedral without towers
ruins rise up like hairs standing on end .
We are watchmakers.
Me and my little son.
He has two alarm clocks. He says:
I want these two alarm clocks
to be next to each other.
This one will be Next to
and this one Each other.
Create the world from words.
From nothing:
A landscape – scenery.
Once magnificent buildings,
palaces of modernism,
tall railway headquarters
with all their windows smashed,
a station, a hotel, a department store,
a hospital, a villa on the hill,
nearby, housing estates,
cardboards, concrete, glass,
cracked stucco,
sagging walls, layers of dirt,
skeletons of cities in too vast a space.
And hordes of vandals
on short-legged horses
occupy distant shores,
there is still a place to travel to,
things to eat
and anything old can be
looked up in archives
but hardly anyone would do it.
Not everything is in vain.
Now and then grass trembles,
lashes rise, revealing the gaze.
You look at me. You see me.
Today my hair won’t fall over my face,
a cut won’t ruin the frontal image.
I won’t hide behind the screen again,
today we’ll rest on the axis of our looks
at eye level
(you needn’t always wish to go as far as heaven)
and move our gaze from above the table
into the bedroom or onto the carpet.
Mucous membranes, villi, tissue, cytoplasm,
fibrils, folded clusters, geometrical figures,
– a world ruined at a stroke.
The substance remains constant:
one organism absorbs another,
building palaces on its foundations.
A haemorrhagic shock, studying the contents of the chamber pot,
external signs, sunken eyes, dry mouth,
fatigue. A faint smile. Without a smile.
Or without any symptoms:
a sudden fall from the staircase right to coma.
The torn, cut, scratched
skin at least allows
the healing process to be observed.
I can’t hear moist threads tear inside me.
I observe the skin in panic.
It must reflect what goes on inside!
But macro world replies micro world.
Somewhere in the distance other cities
collapsed with rumbling or resistance.
We are embracing each other in an old house,
when it shakes with construction works in the loft.
We hide behind double glazing and thick walls,
under the ceiling held up by the warmed air.
We pushed the cot close to our bed
to feel safer,
while the wind rattles
the open roof and the sun whitens it
like a trepanned skull of a patient dead for centuries.
You sleep. The dust on the furniture doesn’t stir.
The parquet floor isn’t squeaky.
Our son still sleeps, too.
Only on the walls, among the toys,
in the bookcase and under the cupboard,
in the bathroom behind the washing machine,
next to the sofa and on the window frame
his clock ticks fiercely, without mercy.
From: Ohrozený druh
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava
Publisher: 2012, Ars Poetica, Bratislava












LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère