Maria Barnas
Anthology of Fear
Bath tubs, mites, itching, acidity, alarm systems, insanity, heights. Jumping from a (moderate) height, vagueness, air, drafts and wind in general. Spit, spitting, pain, squares, wild spinach, streets, needles. Cats and animals that resemble cats, kidney disease, chicken, garlic, dust, standing. Opinions, expressing opinions or receiving praise, walking, driving, crossing an intersection diagonally, toll roads, forgetting, scratches, looking up. Swallowing air, choking, England, the English, the English culture, blossoming, flowers, rage or becoming enraged, society, floods. Remaining single or alone, infinity, wings, bees, people, stiffness of a joint, people with amputations, amputations. Sticky food, spiders, figures, fire, fainting, thunder, lightning, stars, the universe, asymmetry, ataxia, confusion, rubbish, ruins, atomic explosions. Failure, flutes, gold, aurora, one’s own language, loneliness, oneself, one’s own reflection, flying (in planes), bullets and missiles, Bolsheviks. Gravity, depths, unfathomable water, long corridors, standing close to high buildings, frogs, salamanders, books, plants, one’s own or someone else’s bisexuality. Good looking women, women, emotional bonding, mucus, ghosts or the bogeyman, toads, body fragrances, ugliness, being ugly, cancer. Swarms, heart disease, the heart in general, meat or eating meat, being ridiculed, new drugs, comets, new ideas, happiness, snow, being touched. Muslims, Islam, the Islamic culture, hair, chemicals or working with chemicals, time, clocks, food, narrow or enclosed areas. Stealing, stabbing and being stabbed, beds or going to bed, cemeteries, sexual abuse, making choices, computers, being delayed, Constipation or difficult bowel movements, stool in general, chopsticks, clowns, frost or ice, crystal, bicycles, waves or wave-like movements. Steep (overhanging) cliffs, dogs, rabies, prostitutes, venereal diseases, nosebleeds, demons, painful bowel movement, crowds, fascism, trees. The dentist, skin lesion or wounds, skin disease, diabetes, drinking, dining or conversations during dinner, the sun. Objects on the right side of the body, whirlpools, double vision, undressing in front of others, homes, skin or fur of animals, crossing the street. Deformity, school, accidents, the church, the Netherlands, the Dutch, the Dutch language, power, freedom, belts, brushes, pins, committing a mortal sin. Criticism, daybreak, daylight, teenagers, knowledge, boars, flushing, good news, sex, sexuality, the vagina, the colour red, fever, cold or cold objects. Being married, living together, laughing, chins, immigrants, knees, bridges, old people, good taste, speaking in public, robbers or being assaulted. Enjoying oneself, sunlight, infections, blood, reptiles, maniacs, materialism, Greek terms, complex scientific terminology, fog, funds, grants. Saints, sacred objects, theology, religion, hell, 666, sermons, priests, horses, long legs. Homeless people, beggars, shock, fear, homosexuality, firearms, water, medications, containing mercury, fluids, moisture, epilepsy, oven gloves, cyclones or hurricanes, eternity. Sleep, hypnosis, the doctor, seeing the doctor, fish, poison, termites, Japan, the Japanese, Japanese culture, napkins, Jews, the Jewish religion, recorders, the feminine in oneself. Being overwhelmed, irony, a void or voids, looking at people, stealing, rooms, fatigue, vegetables, cosmic phenomena, dogs, bending or bending over, windscreen wipers, death. Leprosy, the colour white, lakes, rope, prosecution, analyses, syphilis, otters, long waits, cooking, punishment, machinery, losing an erection, the colour black, bees, meningitis. Menstruation, being tied up, metal, meteorites, changes, city maps, poetry, microbes, bacteria, dirt, sponges, memories, moths, mice, mushrooms. Darkness, the night, ants, myths, stories, names, misrepresentation, glass, clouds, rain, hospitals, home, numbers, large groups, vehicles, the number 8, oral surgery, wine, corners, the home environment. Odours, terrorists, eyes, dreams, wet dreams, being touched, prescribed drugs, looking, possessing, crustaceans, heaven, everything, the Pope, paper, perversion. Neglect of duty, responsibility, parasites, virgins, young girls, Friday the thirteenth, urine, peeing in the (imaginary) presence of others, genetic or hereditary disease, lice, dolls. Imaginary crimes or sinning in public, children, balding men, poverty, eating, swallowing, eating, the penis (especially in erect state), the word penis, medication. Daylight, sunshine, kissing or being kissed, love, philosophy, phobias, phone, one’s voice or voices in general, light, thinking, tuberculosis, tombstones, blinds. Wealth, nodding, beards, polio, politicians, punishment, the colour purple, alcohol, rectal disease, the rectum, progress, stuttering, smallpox, China, Chinese, the Chinese culture. Being tickled with feathers, puppets, fire, X-rays, being beaten with a stick, wrinkles, Halloween, Satan, guitars, scabies, shadows, Russia, Russians, the Russian language. Being stared at, going blind, sharks, flashes of light, the moon, decomposing creatures, escalators, doors, reading or saying long words, left-handedness, trains, train tracks, conductors, libraries. Credit cards, parents, being assessed, dependency, artists, semen, wasps, getting up, walking, symbolism, symmetry, table cloths. Predictability, causing someone’s embarrassment by one’s own appearance, facial expressions, being buried alive, infectivity, bulls, technology, giving birth to a (deformed) child. Tetanus, Germans, Germany, German Culture, sitting, the sea, death and issues reminding of death, theatres, warmth or heat, plastic surgery, permanent injury, tremor, aggression, the number 13. Injections, tyrants, germs, getting dressed, rape, goats, Walloons, witches, witchcraft, the colour yellow, the word yellow, drought, forest, razors, jealousy, God, gods, tapeworms.
© Translation: 2012, Maria Barnas
Anthology of Fear (print, various sizes)
based on \'Waar men bang voor is\'.
Waar men bang voor is
Waar men bang voor is
Baden, mijten, jeuk, zuurheid, alarmsystemen, open plekken,hoogten, van een (geringe) hoogte springen, vaagheid,
lucht, tocht en wind in het algemeen, braken, krankzinnigheid.
Pijn, pleinen, wilde spinazie, straten, naalden, katten en dieren
die op katten lijken, nierziekte, kippen, knoflook, meningen,
het uiten van meningen of het ontvangen van lof, stof, staan.
Lopen, autorijden, met de auto een kruising schuin oversteken,
tolwegen, vergeten, schrammen, omhoogkijken, lucht inslikken,
stikken, Engeland, Engelsen, de Engelse cultuur, bloemen.
Razernij of woedend worden, onbeweeglijkheid van een gewricht,
de maatschappij, overstromingen, alleen of alleenstaand blijven,
oneindigheid, aanrakingen, bijen, mensen met amputaties, amputaties.
Plakkerig eten, spinnen, cijfers, vuur, flauwvallen, onweer, bliksem,
sterren, het heelal, asymmetrie, ataxie, wanorde, rommel, ruïnes,
atoomexplosies, falen, fluiten, goud, noorderlicht, de eigen taal.
Eenzaamheid, zichzelf, het eigen spiegelbeeld, vliegen (in vliegtuigen),
kogels en raketten, bolsjewieken, zwaartekracht, vallen, diepten,
onpeilbaar water, diepe gangen, dicht bij hoge gebouwen staan.
Kikkers, salamanders, boeken, planten, eigen biseksualiteit
of die van anderen, mooie vrouwen, vrouwen, zich emotioneel binden
aan een ander persoon, slijm, spoken of de boeman, padden.
Lichaamsgeuren, lelijkheid, lelijk zijn, kanker, zwermen,
hartaandoeningen, het hart in het algemeen, vlees of het eten van vlees,
belachelijk worden gemaakt, nieuwe geneesmiddelen, kometen.
Nieuwe ideeën, vrolijkheid, sneeuw, aangeraakt worden, moslims,
de islam, de islamitische cultuur, haar, chemicaliën of het werken
met chemicaliën, tijd, klokken, voedsel, kleine of gesloten ruimten.
Stelen, steken en gestoken worden, bedden of naar bed gaan,
begraafplaatsen, seksueel misbruik, het maken van keuzen,
vertraagde, verstopte of moeizame stoelgang, ontlasting in het algemeen.
Eetstokjes, clowns, vorst of ijs, kristal, computers, fietsen,
golven of golfachtige bewegingen, steile (overhangende) rotswanden,
honden, hondsdolheid, prostituees of geslachtsziekten, bloedneuzen.
Pijnlijke bewegingen van de ingewanden, demonen, menigten,
fascisme, bomen, de tandarts, huidletsel of wonden, huidziekten,
diabetes, drinken, dineren of conversaties tijdens het diner, de zon.
Voorwerpen aan de rechterkant van het lichaam, draaikolken,
duizeligheid, dubbelzien, zich in bijzijn van een ander uitkleden, huizen,
huid of vacht van dieren, de straat oversteken, mismaaktheid, school.
Ongelukken, de kerk, Nederland, Nederlanders, de Nederlandse taal,
elektriciteit, vrijheid, braken of braaksel, gordels, borstels, spelden,
een doodzonde begaan, kritiek, de dageraad, daglicht, tieners.
Kennis, paarden, blozen, werken of functioneren, goed nieuws, seks,
seksualiteit, het vrouwelijk geslachtsorgaan, de kleur rood, koorts, kou
of koude objecten, trouwen, samenwonen, lachen, kinnen, immigranten.
Knieën, bruggen oversteken, oud worden, oude mensen, goede smaak,
spreken in het openbaar, overvallers of overvallen worden, genieten,
zonlicht, infecties, bloed, reptielen, maniakken, materialisme.
Griekse termen, complexe wetenschappelijke terminologie, mist,
Duitsland, Duitsers, de Duitse cultuur, heiligen, heilige zaken, theologie,
religie, de hel, het getal 666, preken, priesters, paarden, lange woorden.
Zwervers, bedelaars, shock, angst, homoseksualiteit, vuurwapens,
water, kwikhoudende medicijnen, vloeistoffen, vocht, epilepsie,
ovenhandschoenen, wervelstormen of orkanen, de eeuwigheid.
Slapen, hypnose, de dokter, naar de dokter gaan, vis, ideeën, vergif,
termieten, Japan, Japanners, de Japanse cultuur, servetten,
Joden en de joodse godsdienst, blokfluiten, het vrouwelijke in zichzelf.
Verslagen worden, spot, leegte of lege ruimten, personen aankijken,
stelen, kamers, vermoeidheid, groenten, kosmische verschijnselen,
honden, vooroverbuigen of bukken, ruitenwissers, de dood.
Lepra, de kleur wit, meren, touw, gerechtelijke vervolging,
analysen, syfilis, otters, lang moeten wachten, koken, straf,
machines, een erectie verliezen, de kleur zwart, bijen, meningitis.
Menstruatie, vastgebonden zijn, metaal, veranderingen, meteorieten,
alcohol, poëzie, microben, bacteriën, vuil, sponzen, rimpels,
herinneringen, motten of nachtvlinders, muizen, paddenstoelen.
Duisternis, de nacht, mieren, mythes, verhalen, namen, valse verklaringen,
glas, wolken, ziekenhuizen, thuiskomen, naaktheid, nummers,
grote groepen, voertuigen, het cijfer 8, kaakchirurgie, wijnen, regen.
De huiselijke omgeving, geuren, terroristen, ogen, dromen, natte dromen,
slangen, aangeklampt worden, voorgeschreven geneesmiddelen, kijken,
vogels, bezit, schaaldieren, de hemel, alles, de paus, papier, perversie.
Verzuimen van plicht, verantwoordelijkheid, parasieten, maagden,
jonge meisjes, vrijdag de dertiende, urine, plassen in de (ingebeelde)
aanwezigheid van anderen, erfelijkheid of erfelijke ziekten, luizen, poppen.
Ingebeelde misdaden of zondigen in het openbaar, kinderen, kale en kalende
mannen, kaal worden, armoede, eten, slikken, opgegeten worden, een penis
(vooral in erecte toestand), het woord penis, medicijnen innemen.
Daglicht, zonneschijn, zoenen of gezoend worden, verliefdheid,
filosofie, fobieën, de telefoon, de eigen stem of stemmen in het algemeen,
licht of schittering, denken, tuberculose, grafstenen, rolgordijnen.
Rijkdom, regen, stikken, baarden, polio, politici, bestraffing,
de kleur paars, alcohol, rectale aandoeningen, de endeldarm,
voortgang, stotteren, pokken, China, Chinezen, de Chinese cultuur.
Met veren gekieteld worden, marionetten, vuur, röntgenstraling,
geslagen worden met een stok, rimpels, Halloween, satan,
gitaren, schurft, schaduwen, Rusland, Russen, de Russische taal.
Aangestaard worden, blind worden, haaien, lichtflitsen, de maan,
in staat van ontbinding verkerende wezens, roltrappen, schuifdeuren,
het lezen of uitspreken van lange woorden, linkshandigheid.
Treinen, treinsporen, treinreizen, conducteurs, bibliotheken, creditcards,
schoonouders, beoordeeld worden, afhankelijkheid, kunstenaars,
sperma, wespen, opstaan, lopen, symboliek, symmetrie, tafelkleden.
Voorspelbaarheid, een ander mishagen, irriteren of in verlegenheid brengen
door het eigen voorkomen, gelaatsuitdrukkingen, levend begraven worden,
besmettelijkheid, stieren, technologie, een (mismaakt) kind baren.
Tetanus, Duitsers, Duitsland, de Duitse cultuur, zitten, de zee, sterven
en zaken die aan sterven doen denken, theaters, hitte of warmte,
plastische chirurgie, blijvend letsel, beven, agressie, het getal 13.
Injecties, tirannen, ziektekiemen, zich aankleden, verkrachting,
geiten, Walen, heksen, hekserij, de kleur geel, het woord geel,
droogte, bossen, scheermessen, jaloezie, God, goden, lintwormen.
© 2013, Maria Barnas
From: Jaja de oerknal
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
From: Jaja de oerknal
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
Poems of Maria Barnas
Anthology of Fear
Bath tubs, mites, itching, acidity, alarm systems, insanity, heights. Jumping from a (moderate) height, vagueness, air, drafts and wind in general. Spit, spitting, pain, squares, wild spinach, streets, needles. Cats and animals that resemble cats, kidney disease, chicken, garlic, dust, standing. Opinions, expressing opinions or receiving praise, walking, driving, crossing an intersection diagonally, toll roads, forgetting, scratches, looking up. Swallowing air, choking, England, the English, the English culture, blossoming, flowers, rage or becoming enraged, society, floods. Remaining single or alone, infinity, wings, bees, people, stiffness of a joint, people with amputations, amputations. Sticky food, spiders, figures, fire, fainting, thunder, lightning, stars, the universe, asymmetry, ataxia, confusion, rubbish, ruins, atomic explosions. Failure, flutes, gold, aurora, one’s own language, loneliness, oneself, one’s own reflection, flying (in planes), bullets and missiles, Bolsheviks. Gravity, depths, unfathomable water, long corridors, standing close to high buildings, frogs, salamanders, books, plants, one’s own or someone else’s bisexuality. Good looking women, women, emotional bonding, mucus, ghosts or the bogeyman, toads, body fragrances, ugliness, being ugly, cancer. Swarms, heart disease, the heart in general, meat or eating meat, being ridiculed, new drugs, comets, new ideas, happiness, snow, being touched. Muslims, Islam, the Islamic culture, hair, chemicals or working with chemicals, time, clocks, food, narrow or enclosed areas. Stealing, stabbing and being stabbed, beds or going to bed, cemeteries, sexual abuse, making choices, computers, being delayed, Constipation or difficult bowel movements, stool in general, chopsticks, clowns, frost or ice, crystal, bicycles, waves or wave-like movements. Steep (overhanging) cliffs, dogs, rabies, prostitutes, venereal diseases, nosebleeds, demons, painful bowel movement, crowds, fascism, trees. The dentist, skin lesion or wounds, skin disease, diabetes, drinking, dining or conversations during dinner, the sun. Objects on the right side of the body, whirlpools, double vision, undressing in front of others, homes, skin or fur of animals, crossing the street. Deformity, school, accidents, the church, the Netherlands, the Dutch, the Dutch language, power, freedom, belts, brushes, pins, committing a mortal sin. Criticism, daybreak, daylight, teenagers, knowledge, boars, flushing, good news, sex, sexuality, the vagina, the colour red, fever, cold or cold objects. Being married, living together, laughing, chins, immigrants, knees, bridges, old people, good taste, speaking in public, robbers or being assaulted. Enjoying oneself, sunlight, infections, blood, reptiles, maniacs, materialism, Greek terms, complex scientific terminology, fog, funds, grants. Saints, sacred objects, theology, religion, hell, 666, sermons, priests, horses, long legs. Homeless people, beggars, shock, fear, homosexuality, firearms, water, medications, containing mercury, fluids, moisture, epilepsy, oven gloves, cyclones or hurricanes, eternity. Sleep, hypnosis, the doctor, seeing the doctor, fish, poison, termites, Japan, the Japanese, Japanese culture, napkins, Jews, the Jewish religion, recorders, the feminine in oneself. Being overwhelmed, irony, a void or voids, looking at people, stealing, rooms, fatigue, vegetables, cosmic phenomena, dogs, bending or bending over, windscreen wipers, death. Leprosy, the colour white, lakes, rope, prosecution, analyses, syphilis, otters, long waits, cooking, punishment, machinery, losing an erection, the colour black, bees, meningitis. Menstruation, being tied up, metal, meteorites, changes, city maps, poetry, microbes, bacteria, dirt, sponges, memories, moths, mice, mushrooms. Darkness, the night, ants, myths, stories, names, misrepresentation, glass, clouds, rain, hospitals, home, numbers, large groups, vehicles, the number 8, oral surgery, wine, corners, the home environment. Odours, terrorists, eyes, dreams, wet dreams, being touched, prescribed drugs, looking, possessing, crustaceans, heaven, everything, the Pope, paper, perversion. Neglect of duty, responsibility, parasites, virgins, young girls, Friday the thirteenth, urine, peeing in the (imaginary) presence of others, genetic or hereditary disease, lice, dolls. Imaginary crimes or sinning in public, children, balding men, poverty, eating, swallowing, eating, the penis (especially in erect state), the word penis, medication. Daylight, sunshine, kissing or being kissed, love, philosophy, phobias, phone, one’s voice or voices in general, light, thinking, tuberculosis, tombstones, blinds. Wealth, nodding, beards, polio, politicians, punishment, the colour purple, alcohol, rectal disease, the rectum, progress, stuttering, smallpox, China, Chinese, the Chinese culture. Being tickled with feathers, puppets, fire, X-rays, being beaten with a stick, wrinkles, Halloween, Satan, guitars, scabies, shadows, Russia, Russians, the Russian language. Being stared at, going blind, sharks, flashes of light, the moon, decomposing creatures, escalators, doors, reading or saying long words, left-handedness, trains, train tracks, conductors, libraries. Credit cards, parents, being assessed, dependency, artists, semen, wasps, getting up, walking, symbolism, symmetry, table cloths. Predictability, causing someone’s embarrassment by one’s own appearance, facial expressions, being buried alive, infectivity, bulls, technology, giving birth to a (deformed) child. Tetanus, Germans, Germany, German Culture, sitting, the sea, death and issues reminding of death, theatres, warmth or heat, plastic surgery, permanent injury, tremor, aggression, the number 13. Injections, tyrants, germs, getting dressed, rape, goats, Walloons, witches, witchcraft, the colour yellow, the word yellow, drought, forest, razors, jealousy, God, gods, tapeworms.
© 2012, Maria Barnas
From: Jaja de oerknal
From: Jaja de oerknal
Anthology of Fear (print, various sizes)
based on \'Waar men bang voor is\'.
Anthology of Fear
Bath tubs, mites, itching, acidity, alarm systems, insanity, heights. Jumping from a (moderate) height, vagueness, air, drafts and wind in general. Spit, spitting, pain, squares, wild spinach, streets, needles. Cats and animals that resemble cats, kidney disease, chicken, garlic, dust, standing. Opinions, expressing opinions or receiving praise, walking, driving, crossing an intersection diagonally, toll roads, forgetting, scratches, looking up. Swallowing air, choking, England, the English, the English culture, blossoming, flowers, rage or becoming enraged, society, floods. Remaining single or alone, infinity, wings, bees, people, stiffness of a joint, people with amputations, amputations. Sticky food, spiders, figures, fire, fainting, thunder, lightning, stars, the universe, asymmetry, ataxia, confusion, rubbish, ruins, atomic explosions. Failure, flutes, gold, aurora, one’s own language, loneliness, oneself, one’s own reflection, flying (in planes), bullets and missiles, Bolsheviks. Gravity, depths, unfathomable water, long corridors, standing close to high buildings, frogs, salamanders, books, plants, one’s own or someone else’s bisexuality. Good looking women, women, emotional bonding, mucus, ghosts or the bogeyman, toads, body fragrances, ugliness, being ugly, cancer. Swarms, heart disease, the heart in general, meat or eating meat, being ridiculed, new drugs, comets, new ideas, happiness, snow, being touched. Muslims, Islam, the Islamic culture, hair, chemicals or working with chemicals, time, clocks, food, narrow or enclosed areas. Stealing, stabbing and being stabbed, beds or going to bed, cemeteries, sexual abuse, making choices, computers, being delayed, Constipation or difficult bowel movements, stool in general, chopsticks, clowns, frost or ice, crystal, bicycles, waves or wave-like movements. Steep (overhanging) cliffs, dogs, rabies, prostitutes, venereal diseases, nosebleeds, demons, painful bowel movement, crowds, fascism, trees. The dentist, skin lesion or wounds, skin disease, diabetes, drinking, dining or conversations during dinner, the sun. Objects on the right side of the body, whirlpools, double vision, undressing in front of others, homes, skin or fur of animals, crossing the street. Deformity, school, accidents, the church, the Netherlands, the Dutch, the Dutch language, power, freedom, belts, brushes, pins, committing a mortal sin. Criticism, daybreak, daylight, teenagers, knowledge, boars, flushing, good news, sex, sexuality, the vagina, the colour red, fever, cold or cold objects. Being married, living together, laughing, chins, immigrants, knees, bridges, old people, good taste, speaking in public, robbers or being assaulted. Enjoying oneself, sunlight, infections, blood, reptiles, maniacs, materialism, Greek terms, complex scientific terminology, fog, funds, grants. Saints, sacred objects, theology, religion, hell, 666, sermons, priests, horses, long legs. Homeless people, beggars, shock, fear, homosexuality, firearms, water, medications, containing mercury, fluids, moisture, epilepsy, oven gloves, cyclones or hurricanes, eternity. Sleep, hypnosis, the doctor, seeing the doctor, fish, poison, termites, Japan, the Japanese, Japanese culture, napkins, Jews, the Jewish religion, recorders, the feminine in oneself. Being overwhelmed, irony, a void or voids, looking at people, stealing, rooms, fatigue, vegetables, cosmic phenomena, dogs, bending or bending over, windscreen wipers, death. Leprosy, the colour white, lakes, rope, prosecution, analyses, syphilis, otters, long waits, cooking, punishment, machinery, losing an erection, the colour black, bees, meningitis. Menstruation, being tied up, metal, meteorites, changes, city maps, poetry, microbes, bacteria, dirt, sponges, memories, moths, mice, mushrooms. Darkness, the night, ants, myths, stories, names, misrepresentation, glass, clouds, rain, hospitals, home, numbers, large groups, vehicles, the number 8, oral surgery, wine, corners, the home environment. Odours, terrorists, eyes, dreams, wet dreams, being touched, prescribed drugs, looking, possessing, crustaceans, heaven, everything, the Pope, paper, perversion. Neglect of duty, responsibility, parasites, virgins, young girls, Friday the thirteenth, urine, peeing in the (imaginary) presence of others, genetic or hereditary disease, lice, dolls. Imaginary crimes or sinning in public, children, balding men, poverty, eating, swallowing, eating, the penis (especially in erect state), the word penis, medication. Daylight, sunshine, kissing or being kissed, love, philosophy, phobias, phone, one’s voice or voices in general, light, thinking, tuberculosis, tombstones, blinds. Wealth, nodding, beards, polio, politicians, punishment, the colour purple, alcohol, rectal disease, the rectum, progress, stuttering, smallpox, China, Chinese, the Chinese culture. Being tickled with feathers, puppets, fire, X-rays, being beaten with a stick, wrinkles, Halloween, Satan, guitars, scabies, shadows, Russia, Russians, the Russian language. Being stared at, going blind, sharks, flashes of light, the moon, decomposing creatures, escalators, doors, reading or saying long words, left-handedness, trains, train tracks, conductors, libraries. Credit cards, parents, being assessed, dependency, artists, semen, wasps, getting up, walking, symbolism, symmetry, table cloths. Predictability, causing someone’s embarrassment by one’s own appearance, facial expressions, being buried alive, infectivity, bulls, technology, giving birth to a (deformed) child. Tetanus, Germans, Germany, German Culture, sitting, the sea, death and issues reminding of death, theatres, warmth or heat, plastic surgery, permanent injury, tremor, aggression, the number 13. Injections, tyrants, germs, getting dressed, rape, goats, Walloons, witches, witchcraft, the colour yellow, the word yellow, drought, forest, razors, jealousy, God, gods, tapeworms.
© 2012, Maria Barnas
Anthology of Fear (print, various sizes)
based on \'Waar men bang voor is\'.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère