Maarten Inghels
Visit No. 12 618
To make it go more quiet in the room than in her blood:hammer the beating beetle from the whitened walls,
nudge the receding curtains back to sleep,
the coffee slowly runs to a dead end. Quietude
outlines itself across the wall in darkened shapes,
first camels, weasels, a sluggish whale, then
we become hares in tall grass. We play dirty
beasts. And there in the room her brain assumes
a voice the way her blood speaks: from the stem
her love disseminates itself. Trampling on the spot,
because I am a dead blackfish, shoulders shaking
and trembling I lie on the bed. My hands are folded
in straits. Because what blindly knows its way through me,
one’s own rigorous love as retort, scares me the most.
© Translation: 2011, Willem Groenewegen
Bezoek nr 12 618
Bezoek nr 12 618
Het in de kamer stiller maken dan in haar bloed:de kloppende kever uit de witte muren slaan,
de ontwijkende gordijnen weer in slaap duwen,
de koffie loopt langzaam dood. Zwijgzaamheid
tekent zich in zwarte schaduwen op de muur,
eerst kamelen, wezels, een logge walvis, dan
worden we hazen in hoog gras. We spelen smerige
beesten. En daar in de kamer krijgen haar hersenen
een stem zoals haar bloed spreekt: vanuit de stam
zaait haar liefde zich uit. Ter plaatse trappelend,
want een dode zwartvis ben ik, schokschouderend
en trillend lig ik op bed. Mijn handen zijn gevouwen
in een dwang. Want van wat blind de weg weet in mij;
de eigen rigoureuze liefde als weerwoord, ben ik bang.
© 2011, Maarten Inghels
From: Waakzaam
Publisher: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, Antwerpen
From: Waakzaam
Publisher: De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, Antwerpen
Poems of Maarten Inghels
Visit No. 12 618
To make it go more quiet in the room than in her blood:hammer the beating beetle from the whitened walls,
nudge the receding curtains back to sleep,
the coffee slowly runs to a dead end. Quietude
outlines itself across the wall in darkened shapes,
first camels, weasels, a sluggish whale, then
we become hares in tall grass. We play dirty
beasts. And there in the room her brain assumes
a voice the way her blood speaks: from the stem
her love disseminates itself. Trampling on the spot,
because I am a dead blackfish, shoulders shaking
and trembling I lie on the bed. My hands are folded
in straits. Because what blindly knows its way through me,
one’s own rigorous love as retort, scares me the most.
© 2011, Willem Groenewegen
From: Waakzaam
From: Waakzaam
Visit No. 12 618
To make it go more quiet in the room than in her blood:hammer the beating beetle from the whitened walls,
nudge the receding curtains back to sleep,
the coffee slowly runs to a dead end. Quietude
outlines itself across the wall in darkened shapes,
first camels, weasels, a sluggish whale, then
we become hares in tall grass. We play dirty
beasts. And there in the room her brain assumes
a voice the way her blood speaks: from the stem
her love disseminates itself. Trampling on the spot,
because I am a dead blackfish, shoulders shaking
and trembling I lie on the bed. My hands are folded
in straits. Because what blindly knows its way through me,
one’s own rigorous love as retort, scares me the most.
© 2011, Willem Groenewegen

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère