How beautiful, human beings say, a bird in the throes of death,observe the battle of the bushes,
see the determined darkness,
hear the sighing of the storm:
beautiful, human beings say.
Human beings can stand upright, can think disobedient thoughts,
they say that the heavens are hollow,
that the earth is beating a path to the abyss.
© Translation: 2011, Susan Massotty
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Wat mooi, zegt de mens, een vogel in doodsnood,let op het gevecht der struiken,
zie de halsstarrige duisternis,
hoor het zuchten van de storm:
mooi zegt de mens.
De mens kan staan, kan ongehoorzaam denken,
hij zegt dat de hemel hol is,
dat de aarde zich een weg baant naar de afgrond.
© 2009, Armando
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: Uitgeverij Augustus, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: Uitgeverij Augustus, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
Poems of Armando
How beautiful, human beings say, a bird in the throes of death,observe the battle of the bushes,
see the determined darkness,
hear the sighing of the storm:
beautiful, human beings say.
Human beings can stand upright, can think disobedient thoughts,
they say that the heavens are hollow,
that the earth is beating a path to the abyss.
© 2011, Susan Massotty
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
How beautiful, human beings say, a bird in the throes of death,observe the battle of the bushes,
see the determined darkness,
hear the sighing of the storm:
beautiful, human beings say.
Human beings can stand upright, can think disobedient thoughts,
they say that the heavens are hollow,
that the earth is beating a path to the abyss.
© 2011, Susan Massotty
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère