Maria Barnas
An Englishman with gorgeous eyes is tuning my piano.I’m going to do it very carefully, he says.
Droplets and leaves are spilling from the elderberry bush
in the corner of the garden, sir, like words from my mouth.
Would you mind?
I think the tree is incurably ill.
We might have a slight problem here.
A humid summer has dawned in my mind
dear sir, a paralysing heat. Do you have any suggestions?
I don’t know what ‘scorching’ is in English.
Would you like a drink?
Thank you so much.
How much?
In Brussels I ate chocolate made of gold foil
and I wore an impeccable hat.
In Paris I rode in a Ferris wheel.
I could go with you to London just like that.
If I have sugar. And milk.
The Englishman plays.
Erbarme dich.
That’s that and that’s all.
Thank you so much.
© Translation: 2008, Donald Gardner
Een Engelsman met prachtige ogen stemt mijn piano.I’m going to do it very carefully zegt hij.
Er vallen druppels en blaadjes uit de vlierbes die in de hoek
van de tuin staat, sir, als woorden uit mijn mond.
Would you mind?
Ik denk dat de boom ongeneeslijk ziek is.
We might have a slight problem here.
Er is een vochtige zomer aangebroken in mijn hoofd
dear sir, een verlammende hitte. Weet u misschien raad?
Ik weet niet wat verzengend in het Engels is.
Would you like a drink?
Thank you so much.
How much?
In Brussel at ik chocola uit goudblad
en ik had smetteloze schoenen aan.
In Parijs zat ik in een reuzenrad.
Ik zou zo met u mee naar Londen gaan.
Of ik suiker heb. En melk.
De Engelsman speelt.
Erbarme dich.
Dat is dat. Dat is alles.
Thank you so much.
© 2003, Maria Barnas
From: Twee zonnen
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
From: Twee zonnen
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
Poems of Maria Barnas
An Englishman with gorgeous eyes is tuning my piano.I’m going to do it very carefully, he says.
Droplets and leaves are spilling from the elderberry bush
in the corner of the garden, sir, like words from my mouth.
Would you mind?
I think the tree is incurably ill.
We might have a slight problem here.
A humid summer has dawned in my mind
dear sir, a paralysing heat. Do you have any suggestions?
I don’t know what ‘scorching’ is in English.
Would you like a drink?
Thank you so much.
How much?
In Brussels I ate chocolate made of gold foil
and I wore an impeccable hat.
In Paris I rode in a Ferris wheel.
I could go with you to London just like that.
If I have sugar. And milk.
The Englishman plays.
Erbarme dich.
That’s that and that’s all.
Thank you so much.
© 2008, Donald Gardner
From: Twee zonnen
From: Twee zonnen
An Englishman with gorgeous eyes is tuning my piano.I’m going to do it very carefully, he says.
Droplets and leaves are spilling from the elderberry bush
in the corner of the garden, sir, like words from my mouth.
Would you mind?
I think the tree is incurably ill.
We might have a slight problem here.
A humid summer has dawned in my mind
dear sir, a paralysing heat. Do you have any suggestions?
I don’t know what ‘scorching’ is in English.
Would you like a drink?
Thank you so much.
How much?
In Brussels I ate chocolate made of gold foil
and I wore an impeccable hat.
In Paris I rode in a Ferris wheel.
I could go with you to London just like that.
If I have sugar. And milk.
The Englishman plays.
Erbarme dich.
That’s that and that’s all.
Thank you so much.
© 2008, Donald Gardner

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère