Edvard Kocbek
When my quiet thoughts reach for you, all that is sinful and alienfalls off me. The world again becomes solemn, innocent and
relaxed, like after a good deed. I leave the earth and take my
playful feet to the open sea. I start wandering away from the soil
where they sold the beautiful maiden, searching for her on the
rocking ground. I begin casting spells, singing, luring toward
myself, toying with depth jumping from wave to wave, on clouds,
through the ancient universe and mute grounds, singing the songs
of the transient, knowing all the melodies and voices, ways of
loving, ways of memories and prophecies, letting the wind rock my
scars, climbing over the fantasy, the whole world belongs to me,
only the song of the maiden eludes me, something essential is
fleeing, I listen to the falling of quarters of the moon and echoes of
hurricanes in Alaska, to the docile feeding of rustling Canadian
forests, but I cannot seize her though I sense her, I, hostage,
wanderer, wizard, and lover am seeking the maiden\'s song through
the terrifying nothingness, roaming like the softest breeze through
the organ\'s pipes, like grass through the spotty cow, or like weight
through the clutch of time, I am all covered with corals, maiden, let
nobody know where I am hiding and where I can find you, remain
the knowing darkness and the blessed pain under the waterfalls of
the river, in its clear flow from mill to mill.
© Translation: 1977, Sonja Kravanja
From: Embers in the House of Night
From: Embers in the House of Night
Blazeno iskanje
Blazeno iskanje
Kadar koli se te tiho spomnim, pade z mene vse grešno in tuje, svet jeznova slovesen, nedolzen in sprošcen kakor po dobrem delu. Tedaj zapustim
zemljo in stopim z igrivimi stopali na širno morje. Zacnem se potepati
zunaj celine, kjer so prodali lepotico, in jo išcem na gugajocih se tleh.
Zacnem carati in prepevati in vabiti k sebi, igram se z globino navzgor
in navzdol, skacem od vala do vala, po obiskih, skozi prastaro svetovje
in mutasta tla, pojem si pesmi minevanja, poznam vse popevke in nacine
glasov, nacine ljubezni, nacine spominov in prerokb, na vetru gugam svoje
brazgotine, plezam po domišljiji, ves svet je moj, le pesem dekleta se mi izmika,
nekaj pomembnega se mi oddaljuje, poslušam padanje mescevih krajcev in
odmeve uraganov z Aljaske in šume gozdov v Kanadi, kako se krotko pasejo
in vendar je ne ulovim, ceprav jo slutim talec, potepuh, carovnik in ljubimec,
išcem dekletovo pesem skozi strašni nic, blodim kakor najtišja sapa skozi
orgelske pišcali, kakor trava skozi lisasto kravo ali kakor utez skozi škripec casa.
ves sem ze pokrit s koralami, zato nikomur ne povej, kje sem skrit in kje
te bom našel, ostani vedezna tema in blazeno prizadeta bolecina pod slapovi
ciste reke od mlina do mlina.
© 1977, Edvard Kocbek, Matjaz Kocbek
From: Zbrane pesmi
Publisher: Cankarjeva založba,
From: Zbrane pesmi
Publisher: Cankarjeva založba,
Gedichten van Edvard Kocbek
Blazeno iskanje
Kadar koli se te tiho spomnim, pade z mene vse grešno in tuje, svet jeznova slovesen, nedolzen in sprošcen kakor po dobrem delu. Tedaj zapustim
zemljo in stopim z igrivimi stopali na širno morje. Zacnem se potepati
zunaj celine, kjer so prodali lepotico, in jo išcem na gugajocih se tleh.
Zacnem carati in prepevati in vabiti k sebi, igram se z globino navzgor
in navzdol, skacem od vala do vala, po obiskih, skozi prastaro svetovje
in mutasta tla, pojem si pesmi minevanja, poznam vse popevke in nacine
glasov, nacine ljubezni, nacine spominov in prerokb, na vetru gugam svoje
brazgotine, plezam po domišljiji, ves svet je moj, le pesem dekleta se mi izmika,
nekaj pomembnega se mi oddaljuje, poslušam padanje mescevih krajcev in
odmeve uraganov z Aljaske in šume gozdov v Kanadi, kako se krotko pasejo
in vendar je ne ulovim, ceprav jo slutim talec, potepuh, carovnik in ljubimec,
išcem dekletovo pesem skozi strašni nic, blodim kakor najtišja sapa skozi
orgelske pišcali, kakor trava skozi lisasto kravo ali kakor utez skozi škripec casa.
ves sem ze pokrit s koralami, zato nikomur ne povej, kje sem skrit in kje
te bom našel, ostani vedezna tema in blazeno prizadeta bolecina pod slapovi
ciste reke od mlina do mlina.
From: Zbrane pesmi
When my quiet thoughts reach for you, all that is sinful and alienfalls off me. The world again becomes solemn, innocent and
relaxed, like after a good deed. I leave the earth and take my
playful feet to the open sea. I start wandering away from the soil
where they sold the beautiful maiden, searching for her on the
rocking ground. I begin casting spells, singing, luring toward
myself, toying with depth jumping from wave to wave, on clouds,
through the ancient universe and mute grounds, singing the songs
of the transient, knowing all the melodies and voices, ways of
loving, ways of memories and prophecies, letting the wind rock my
scars, climbing over the fantasy, the whole world belongs to me,
only the song of the maiden eludes me, something essential is
fleeing, I listen to the falling of quarters of the moon and echoes of
hurricanes in Alaska, to the docile feeding of rustling Canadian
forests, but I cannot seize her though I sense her, I, hostage,
wanderer, wizard, and lover am seeking the maiden\'s song through
the terrifying nothingness, roaming like the softest breeze through
the organ\'s pipes, like grass through the spotty cow, or like weight
through the clutch of time, I am all covered with corals, maiden, let
nobody know where I am hiding and where I can find you, remain
the knowing darkness and the blessed pain under the waterfalls of
the river, in its clear flow from mill to mill.
© 1977, Sonja Kravanja
From: Embers in the House of Night
From: Embers in the House of Night

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère