Poetry International Poetry International

Lucía Estrada

The flight of the crane

The flight of the crane

crosses a sky of ashes

                 it guesses the first things as it rises

black lines
cleave the black air

                 a closed alphabet

its dead trees


roots raising cathedrals

songs of a single stone
that my hands translate

I was born
not to lose
a movement in its writing

its priests are an unrepeatable fog

                  they open the flame

they tread on

                   they disappear

The flight of the crane

El vuelo de las grullas
atraviesa un cielo de ceniza

                    adivina al primero en levantarse

líneas negras
hienden el aire negro

                   alfabeto cerrado

sus árboles muertos

raíces levantan catedrales

cantos de una sola piedra
que mis manos traducen

He nacido
para no perder
un movimiento en su escritura

sus sacerdotes son niebla irrepetible

                    abren la llama


Lucía  Estrada

Lucía Estrada

(Colombia, 1980)


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The flight of the crane

El vuelo de las grullas
atraviesa un cielo de ceniza

                    adivina al primero en levantarse

líneas negras
hienden el aire negro

                   alfabeto cerrado

sus árboles muertos

raíces levantan catedrales

cantos de una sola piedra
que mis manos traducen

He nacido
para no perder
un movimiento en su escritura

sus sacerdotes son niebla irrepetible

                    abren la llama



The flight of the crane

The flight of the crane

crosses a sky of ashes

                 it guesses the first things as it rises

black lines
cleave the black air

                 a closed alphabet

its dead trees


roots raising cathedrals

songs of a single stone
that my hands translate

I was born
not to lose
a movement in its writing

its priests are an unrepeatable fog

                  they open the flame

they tread on

                   they disappear
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère