Slađan Lipovec
describing the clouds
you have to hurry up
’cause they are changing fast
just like szymborska said
and the family
could disappear
in a second
just like families of clouds
that’s why you have to write
fast and all the time
when you’re writing about clouds and men
so that elusive shapes of words
do not follow one
transitional shape
but describe
at least the smallest
arch of the crazy circle
where everything
goes around
pleasure in simple
existence pleasure
and discomfort
© Translation: 2008, Miloš Đurđević
s opisivanjem oblaka zbilja
kako kaže szymborska
treba se žuriti
jer brzo se mijenjaju
i obitelj se
kao obitelji oblaka
u trenu
zato i o oblacima i o ljudima
treba pisati
na brzinu i stalno
da nestalni oblici riječi
ne slijede pojedini
prijelazni oblik
nego da opišu
bar i najmanji
luk ludoga kruga
u kojem se sve
zadovoljstvo jednostavnim
postojanjem i zadovoljstvo
i nezadovoljstvo
© 2007, Slađan Lipovec
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
Publisher: HDP / Durieux, Zagreb
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
Publisher: HDP / Durieux, Zagreb
Gedichten van Slađan Lipovec
s opisivanjem oblaka zbilja
kako kaže szymborska
treba se žuriti
jer brzo se mijenjaju
i obitelj se
kao obitelji oblaka
u trenu
zato i o oblacima i o ljudima
treba pisati
na brzinu i stalno
da nestalni oblici riječi
ne slijede pojedini
prijelazni oblik
nego da opišu
bar i najmanji
luk ludoga kruga
u kojem se sve
zadovoljstvo jednostavnim
postojanjem i zadovoljstvo
i nezadovoljstvo
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
describing the clouds
you have to hurry up
’cause they are changing fast
just like szymborska said
and the family
could disappear
in a second
just like families of clouds
that’s why you have to write
fast and all the time
when you’re writing about clouds and men
so that elusive shapes of words
do not follow one
transitional shape
but describe
at least the smallest
arch of the crazy circle
where everything
goes around
pleasure in simple
existence pleasure
and discomfort
© 2008, Miloš Đurđević

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère