Slađan Lipovec
our piece of the planet
a few hectares
of the land our own piece
of the planet in the cadastre register
that sounds really good
speaks of our verve
and exceptional pleasure
we are changing the landscape
we are holding it carefully and
courageously in our arms
walking we are turning the planet
with our legs because our piece
is not just a delineated plot of land
it’s about all of our tracks
path cardiograms we are leaving
on the very heart of the landscape
in the soil under our fingernails
on our fingernails under the ground
© Translation: 2008, Miloš Đurđević
naš komad planeta
naš komad planeta
nekoliko jutara
zemlje naš vlastiti komad
planeta upisan u katastarske knjige
to uistinu dobro zvuči
odaje našu moć
i osobito zadovoljstvo
mi mijenjamo
krajolik brižno i odvažno
nosimo ga u rukama
koračajući nogama okrećemo
planet jer naš komad
nije samo omeđen dio tla
to su sve naše putanje
kardiogram tragova koje ostavljamo
u samom srcu krajolika
u zemlji ispod nokata
i u noktima ispod zemlje
© 2007, Slađan Lipovec
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
Publisher: HDP / Durieux, Zagreb
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
Publisher: HDP / Durieux, Zagreb
Gedichten van Slađan Lipovec
naš komad planeta
nekoliko jutara
zemlje naš vlastiti komad
planeta upisan u katastarske knjige
to uistinu dobro zvuči
odaje našu moć
i osobito zadovoljstvo
mi mijenjamo
krajolik brižno i odvažno
nosimo ga u rukama
koračajući nogama okrećemo
planet jer naš komad
nije samo omeđen dio tla
to su sve naše putanje
kardiogram tragova koje ostavljamo
u samom srcu krajolika
u zemlji ispod nokata
i u noktima ispod zemlje
From: Rijeke i mjesečine
our piece of the planet
a few hectares
of the land our own piece
of the planet in the cadastre register
that sounds really good
speaks of our verve
and exceptional pleasure
we are changing the landscape
we are holding it carefully and
courageously in our arms
walking we are turning the planet
with our legs because our piece
is not just a delineated plot of land
it’s about all of our tracks
path cardiograms we are leaving
on the very heart of the landscape
in the soil under our fingernails
on our fingernails under the ground
© 2008, Miloš Đurđević

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère