Slađan Lipovec
1996. just another morning
old men harness horses
spring is coming
that’s certain I feel it
while I’m reading
Emily Dickinson and listening to
Iron Maiden (what do
Emily and Maiden have in common Brane
asks family name Dickinson
could be my answer but
actually everything
in this poem is just as
I say) so
when they called me I turned down
the music put aside
the book and climbed out of
the parentheses and then we drink
coffee and brandy spit
in our hands take up
the pitchforks and load
manure from which
like from sweaty
animals like from our mouths
in meandering paths of
mathematical formulas the mist
spreads down
the fields
© Translation: 2008, Miloš Đurđević
1996. obično jutro
1996. obično jutro
starci uprežu
konje nedvojbeno
dolazi proljeće osjetim
to dok čitam
Emily Dickinson i slušam
Iron Maiden (što povezuje
Emily i Maidene pita me
Brane prezime Dickinson
mogao bih odgovoriti ali
zapravo sve
ovo u pjesmi povezujem
ja) i zato
kad zovnu isključujem
muziku zatvaram
knjigu izlazim iz
zagrade pa pijemo
kavu i rakiju pljunemo
u ruke uzmemo
vile i tovarimo
gnoj s kojega se
kao s usopljenih
životinja kao iz naših usta
putanjama vijugavih
matematičkih formula magla
proteže širom
© 2003, Slađan Lipovec
From: Emily Dickinson u mom gradu
Publisher: Naklada MD, Zagreb
From: Emily Dickinson u mom gradu
Publisher: Naklada MD, Zagreb
Gedichten van Slađan Lipovec
1996. obično jutro
starci uprežu
konje nedvojbeno
dolazi proljeće osjetim
to dok čitam
Emily Dickinson i slušam
Iron Maiden (što povezuje
Emily i Maidene pita me
Brane prezime Dickinson
mogao bih odgovoriti ali
zapravo sve
ovo u pjesmi povezujem
ja) i zato
kad zovnu isključujem
muziku zatvaram
knjigu izlazim iz
zagrade pa pijemo
kavu i rakiju pljunemo
u ruke uzmemo
vile i tovarimo
gnoj s kojega se
kao s usopljenih
životinja kao iz naših usta
putanjama vijugavih
matematičkih formula magla
proteže širom
From: Emily Dickinson u mom gradu
1996. just another morning
old men harness horses
spring is coming
that’s certain I feel it
while I’m reading
Emily Dickinson and listening to
Iron Maiden (what do
Emily and Maiden have in common Brane
asks family name Dickinson
could be my answer but
actually everything
in this poem is just as
I say) so
when they called me I turned down
the music put aside
the book and climbed out of
the parentheses and then we drink
coffee and brandy spit
in our hands take up
the pitchforks and load
manure from which
like from sweaty
animals like from our mouths
in meandering paths of
mathematical formulas the mist
spreads down
the fields
© 2008, Miloš Đurđević

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère