Poetry International Poetry International

Mark Boog


Old fortune (not for sale)
in old rooms. Isn’t that wonderful?

We already knew that the point of experience
is memory, and that if need be one may
omit the experience itself,

but we seldom saw it so clearly.
You closed the door, looked at me with velvet eyes,
shining smooth with age,
and behind the door they kept on dying,

like animals, like madmen, like lemmings,
like beached sperm whales, like it was nothing,
like we hadn’t closed the door a long time before.



Oud geluk (niet te koop)
in oude kamers. Is dat niet mooi?

We wisten al dat de zin van de ervaring
de herinnering is, en dat daarbij desnoods
de ervaring achterwege gelaten mag worden,

maar zo helder zagen we het zelden.
Je sloot de deur, keek me aan met ogen van fluweel,
glanzend glad van ouderdom,
en achter de deur stierf men er op los,

als beesten, als gekken, als lemmingen,
als gestrande potvissen, alsof het niets is,
alsof wij de deur niet al veel eerder hadden gesloten.


Old fortune (not for sale)
in old rooms. Isn’t that wonderful?

We already knew that the point of experience
is memory, and that if need be one may
omit the experience itself,

but we seldom saw it so clearly.
You closed the door, looked at me with velvet eyes,
shining smooth with age,
and behind the door they kept on dying,

like animals, like madmen, like lemmings,
like beached sperm whales, like it was nothing,
like we hadn’t closed the door a long time before.


Old fortune (not for sale)
in old rooms. Isn’t that wonderful?

We already knew that the point of experience
is memory, and that if need be one may
omit the experience itself,

but we seldom saw it so clearly.
You closed the door, looked at me with velvet eyes,
shining smooth with age,
and behind the door they kept on dying,

like animals, like madmen, like lemmings,
like beached sperm whales, like it was nothing,
like we hadn’t closed the door a long time before.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère