Poetry International Poetry International

Mark Boog


Salt seeker – seeing tall waves with wide eyes,
not knowing how to catch. But in the stagnant
the selfish only find themselves, and of silence

the dregs. Salt seeker! What lives off salt lives
elsewhere. These silent waters, running deep.
Salt seeker, dig here, dig elsewhere, don’t dig,

condense the bays and crystallise the clear springs;
your salary, your just reward, you will or won’t elude you,
such as the fox the dogs, the deer the hunt, man his peers.



Zoutzoeker – hoge golven ziend met grote ogen,
niet wetend hoe te vangen. Maar in het stilstaande
vindt de zelfzuchtige slechts zichzelf, en van de stilte

de droesem. Zoutzoeker! Wat leeft van zout leeft
elders. Deze stille waters, deze diepe gronden.
Zoutzoeker, graaf hier, graaf elders, graaf niet,

damp de baaien in en kristalliseer de heldere bronnen;
uw salaris, uw verdiende loon, het zal u wel of niet ontgaan,
zoals de vos de honden, het hert de jacht, de mens de zijnen.


Salt seeker – seeing tall waves with wide eyes,
not knowing how to catch. But in the stagnant
the selfish only find themselves, and of silence

the dregs. Salt seeker! What lives off salt lives
elsewhere. These silent waters, running deep.
Salt seeker, dig here, dig elsewhere, don’t dig,

condense the bays and crystallise the clear springs;
your salary, your just reward, you will or won’t elude you,
such as the fox the dogs, the deer the hunt, man his peers.


Salt seeker – seeing tall waves with wide eyes,
not knowing how to catch. But in the stagnant
the selfish only find themselves, and of silence

the dregs. Salt seeker! What lives off salt lives
elsewhere. These silent waters, running deep.
Salt seeker, dig here, dig elsewhere, don’t dig,

condense the bays and crystallise the clear springs;
your salary, your just reward, you will or won’t elude you,
such as the fox the dogs, the deer the hunt, man his peers.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère