Poetry International Poetry International

Teixeira de Pascoaes


When the first tear welled up
In my eyes, divine clarity
Lit up my village homeland
With the sad light of longing.

How I glow, poor humble things,
As sorrow in your darkness. . .
I am, in the future, time past.
In me, old times are new ages.

I’m a mountain cliff, an astral
Mist, a figment in the morning,
The earthen image of a soul.

I’m man fleeing from himself,
A raving phantom, a living mystery,
God’s delirium, dreams, nothingness.



Quando a primeira lágrima aflorou
Nos meus olhos, divina claridade
A minha pátria aldeia alumiou
Duma luz triste, que era já saudade.

Humildes, pobres cousas, como eu sou
Dor acesa na vossa escuridade. . .
Sou, em futuro, o tempo que passou;
Em mim, o antigo tempo é nova idade.

Sou fraga da montanha, névoa astral,
Quimérica figura matinal,
Imagem de alma em terra modelada.

Sou o homem de si mesmo fugitivo;
Fantasma a delirar, mistério vivo,
A loucura de Deus, o sonho e o nada.


When the first tear welled up
In my eyes, divine clarity
Lit up my village homeland
With the sad light of longing.

How I glow, poor humble things,
As sorrow in your darkness. . .
I am, in the future, time past.
In me, old times are new ages.

I’m a mountain cliff, an astral
Mist, a figment in the morning,
The earthen image of a soul.

I’m man fleeing from himself,
A raving phantom, a living mystery,
God’s delirium, dreams, nothingness.


When the first tear welled up
In my eyes, divine clarity
Lit up my village homeland
With the sad light of longing.

How I glow, poor humble things,
As sorrow in your darkness. . .
I am, in the future, time past.
In me, old times are new ages.

I’m a mountain cliff, an astral
Mist, a figment in the morning,
The earthen image of a soul.

I’m man fleeing from himself,
A raving phantom, a living mystery,
God’s delirium, dreams, nothingness.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère