Poetry International Poetry International

Teixeira de Pascoaes


I felt a mysterious wind pass by
In a profound and cosmic whirl.
It took me in its arms; I avidly
Went; and I saw the Spirit of the World.

Earth’s solitary things, glowing
Like an unconscious gaze of night,
Like a tear’s dead light, felt none
Of that tragic gust, which ruffled

Only my soul! O lofty wind!
Wind of Prophecy and Exaltation!
Wind that blows in waves of mystery,
Stirring me up, making me ecstatic!

Strange wind, raging without touching
The tenderest flower! But it inflames
My entire being, causing it to give off
God’s light, love’s light, infinite light!

O wind that nothing resists except
An invisible shadow. . . A forest
Or rough stone is, for you, a wispy
Essence, and I am a rugged cliff.

At night, O crazy wind, you pound
My troubled soul, and a loud whoosh wraps it
And swoops it away; and so it passes
From life to life, and from death to death.

Wind that took me to I don’t know where. . .
But I know I went, and I saw close up,
Before my eyes, the burning mist that hides
God’s ghost, hovering over the desert!

And I also saw the hazy light
That loomed out of the darkness, enlightening
My heart, which soars beyond life,
Shedding its burden of tears.

That great wind overturned
My calm existence; and ancient sorrow
Drenched my mean and feeble body,
Like rain the tatters of a beggar woman.

In a great wind I went; I went and saw:
I saw God’s Shadow. And in that shadow
I lay down, ravished, and felt within me
The earth in bloom and the sky aglitter.

Vento do Espírito

Vento do Espírito

Senti passar um vento misterioso,
Num torvelinho cósmico e profundo.
E me levou nos braços; e ansioso
Eu fui; e vi o Espírito do Mundo.

Todas as cousas ermas, que irradiam
Como um nocturno olhar inconsciente,
Luz de lágrima extinta, não sentiam
A trágica rajada, que somente

Meu coração crispava! Ó vento aéreo!
Vento de Exaltação e Profecia!
Vento que sopra, em ondas de mistério,
E tanto me perturba e me extasia!

Estranho vento, em fúria, sem tocar
Nas mais tenrinha flor! E assim agita
Todo o meu ser, em chamas, a exalar
Luz de Deus, luz de amor, luz infinita!

Vento que só encontras resistência
Numa invisível sombra. . . Um arvoredo,
Ou bruta pedra, é como vaga essência;
E, para ti, eu sou como um penedo.

E na minha alma aflita, ó doido vento,
Bates, de noite; e um burburinho forte
A envolve, arrasta e leva, num momento;
E vai de vida em vida e morte em morte.

Vento que me levou, nem sei por onde;
Mas sei que fui; e, ao pé de mim, bem perto,
Vi, face a face, a névoa a arder que esconde
O fantasma de Deus, sobre o deserto!

E vi também a luz indefinida
Que, nas trevas, se fez, esclarecendo
Meu coração, que voa, além da vida,
O seu peso de lágrimas perdendo.

E aquele grande vento transtornou
Minha existência calma; e dor antiga
Meu rude e frágil corpo trespassou,
Como a chuva uns andrajos de mendiga.

E fui num grande vento; e fui; e vi:
Vi a Sombra de Deus. E, alvoroçado,
Deitei-me àquela sombra, e, em mim, senti
A terra em flor e o céu todo estrelado.


I felt a mysterious wind pass by
In a profound and cosmic whirl.
It took me in its arms; I avidly
Went; and I saw the Spirit of the World.

Earth’s solitary things, glowing
Like an unconscious gaze of night,
Like a tear’s dead light, felt none
Of that tragic gust, which ruffled

Only my soul! O lofty wind!
Wind of Prophecy and Exaltation!
Wind that blows in waves of mystery,
Stirring me up, making me ecstatic!

Strange wind, raging without touching
The tenderest flower! But it inflames
My entire being, causing it to give off
God’s light, love’s light, infinite light!

O wind that nothing resists except
An invisible shadow. . . A forest
Or rough stone is, for you, a wispy
Essence, and I am a rugged cliff.

At night, O crazy wind, you pound
My troubled soul, and a loud whoosh wraps it
And swoops it away; and so it passes
From life to life, and from death to death.

Wind that took me to I don’t know where. . .
But I know I went, and I saw close up,
Before my eyes, the burning mist that hides
God’s ghost, hovering over the desert!

And I also saw the hazy light
That loomed out of the darkness, enlightening
My heart, which soars beyond life,
Shedding its burden of tears.

That great wind overturned
My calm existence; and ancient sorrow
Drenched my mean and feeble body,
Like rain the tatters of a beggar woman.

In a great wind I went; I went and saw:
I saw God’s Shadow. And in that shadow
I lay down, ravished, and felt within me
The earth in bloom and the sky aglitter.


I felt a mysterious wind pass by
In a profound and cosmic whirl.
It took me in its arms; I avidly
Went; and I saw the Spirit of the World.

Earth’s solitary things, glowing
Like an unconscious gaze of night,
Like a tear’s dead light, felt none
Of that tragic gust, which ruffled

Only my soul! O lofty wind!
Wind of Prophecy and Exaltation!
Wind that blows in waves of mystery,
Stirring me up, making me ecstatic!

Strange wind, raging without touching
The tenderest flower! But it inflames
My entire being, causing it to give off
God’s light, love’s light, infinite light!

O wind that nothing resists except
An invisible shadow. . . A forest
Or rough stone is, for you, a wispy
Essence, and I am a rugged cliff.

At night, O crazy wind, you pound
My troubled soul, and a loud whoosh wraps it
And swoops it away; and so it passes
From life to life, and from death to death.

Wind that took me to I don’t know where. . .
But I know I went, and I saw close up,
Before my eyes, the burning mist that hides
God’s ghost, hovering over the desert!

And I also saw the hazy light
That loomed out of the darkness, enlightening
My heart, which soars beyond life,
Shedding its burden of tears.

That great wind overturned
My calm existence; and ancient sorrow
Drenched my mean and feeble body,
Like rain the tatters of a beggar woman.

In a great wind I went; I went and saw:
I saw God’s Shadow. And in that shadow
I lay down, ravished, and felt within me
The earth in bloom and the sky aglitter.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère