Nuno Júdice
They recognize each other at night by the voice, bytheir breathing, by a dark tenderness of arms.
They recognize each other slowly, as if
they had never met, nor exchanged the strange
words of a farewell.
They recognize each other by their desperate unfamiliarity
that robs both sides of feeling, leaving them
with the aridity of a reflection.
Come from that wharf that was ravaged by winter,
that was not visited by ships, by birds, or by
the craziest old whore imaginable, and
bring with you a refuge of shadows on
your lips, an infection of the soul in the weariness
of your bodies, the strain of a glaze in the obscurity
of your eyes.
Partake with me in life’s disorder,
in the indecision of roads,
in the wound of a silence where
a smile you once loved and
your ageless face flow
like images in a dream.
© Translation: 1997, Richard Zenith
De noite, conhecem-se pela voz, pelarespiração, por um negro afecto de braços;
conhecem-se devagar, como se nunca se
tivessem encontrado, nem trocado as palavras
estranhas de uma despedida;
conhecem-se pelo desespero da ignorância, que
a uns e outros rouba o sentimento, deixando-os
entregues à secura de um reflexo.
Vinde: desse cais que o inverno devastou,
que os barcos não procuram, nem as aves, nem
a mais louca das antigas prostitutas; e
trazei convosco um refúgio de sombras nos
lábios, uma infecção de alma no cansaço
dos corpos, o fardo de um brilho na obscuridade
dos olhos.
Comungai comigo na desordem da vida,
na indecisão dos caminhos,
na feira de um silêncio por onde escorrem,
como as imagens de um sonho,
um riso amado, outrora, e
o teu rosto sem idade.
© 1992, Nuno Júdice
From: Um canto na espessura do tempo
Publisher: Lisboa, Quetzal
From: Um canto na espessura do tempo
Publisher: Lisboa, Quetzal
Poems of Nuno Júdice
They recognize each other at night by the voice, bytheir breathing, by a dark tenderness of arms.
They recognize each other slowly, as if
they had never met, nor exchanged the strange
words of a farewell.
They recognize each other by their desperate unfamiliarity
that robs both sides of feeling, leaving them
with the aridity of a reflection.
Come from that wharf that was ravaged by winter,
that was not visited by ships, by birds, or by
the craziest old whore imaginable, and
bring with you a refuge of shadows on
your lips, an infection of the soul in the weariness
of your bodies, the strain of a glaze in the obscurity
of your eyes.
Partake with me in life’s disorder,
in the indecision of roads,
in the wound of a silence where
a smile you once loved and
your ageless face flow
like images in a dream.
© 1997, Richard Zenith
From: Um canto na espessura do tempo
From: Um canto na espessura do tempo
They recognize each other at night by the voice, bytheir breathing, by a dark tenderness of arms.
They recognize each other slowly, as if
they had never met, nor exchanged the strange
words of a farewell.
They recognize each other by their desperate unfamiliarity
that robs both sides of feeling, leaving them
with the aridity of a reflection.
Come from that wharf that was ravaged by winter,
that was not visited by ships, by birds, or by
the craziest old whore imaginable, and
bring with you a refuge of shadows on
your lips, an infection of the soul in the weariness
of your bodies, the strain of a glaze in the obscurity
of your eyes.
Partake with me in life’s disorder,
in the indecision of roads,
in the wound of a silence where
a smile you once loved and
your ageless face flow
like images in a dream.
© 1997, Richard Zenith

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère