Tonnus Oosterhoff
brain changer
How does the job of saying what it's like make you feel?Not happy. Not happy with timid reason alone.
(Consider then:)
Did the striding seed business say what it was like?
No; but you remembered thatchfully.
(Brain changer makes spiels of spelling.)
Suddenly it was party time in the head of Truffaut with a year left
to live: blue box smooth cox blue tit.
Freedom of impediment and expression.
I drag it out of me
With the changer into advertising. The smart admen all
have one nowadays.
I laugh to
(Remember this. Jam this. Riff this.
Even a passable Truffaut's a good one.)
It's so located, poetry. Where am I to place him with his scrawling
signature? A poem really needs five of you.
(Otherwise you don't get it? Is that what you mean?)
In the advert there's Pierre Kemp
(Wherever I point my nose she smells
I know what: I'll be a baker!
Did I remember it right? Don't see, don't say how.
Operate the playful changer.)
Oh lads, continue your murmurings,
the history teacher comes in.
On the changer there's bad news for the deaf and hearing.
'There's a timid reasoning we wish to abolish.'
Reality wrecks possibilities.
To the playing fields with the meaning;
what feeling does the product evoke?
Old Truffoto has tapped the changer advert source,
Kemp ripples water from rocks. Freedom of expression.
Now the provisional name of the eternal organisation once more.
Hoe word je van de taak van zeggen hoe het is?Niet blij. Niet blij met de schuchtere rede allenig.
(Bedenk dan:)
Zei de schrijdende zaadhandel hoe het was?
Nee; maar je onthield het dakbaar.
(Hersenmutor maakt spelen van spellen.)
Het was opeens feest in het hoofd van Truffaut met nog een jaar te
leven: rimpeldoos pimpeldoos rimpelloos pimpelmees.
Vrijdom van gebrek en meningsuiting.
Ik sleep het me voor
Met de mutor de reclame in. De handige reclamejongens hebben er
allemaal een tegenwoordig.
Ik lach te
(Onthoud dit maar. Jam dit maar. Roffel dit maar.
Ook een matige Truffaut is een goede.)
Het is zo geplekt, poëzie. Waar moet ik mijn slepende handtekening
plaatsen? Voor een gedicht moet je eigenlijk met zijn vijven zijn.
(Anders snap je het niet? Bedoel je dat?)
In de reclame is Pierre Kemp
(Waar ik mijn neus wend ruikt ze
Nu weet ik het: ik word bakker!,
heb ik dat goed onthouden? Niet zien, niet zeggen hoe.
De speelgrage-mutor bedienen.)
O jongens, zeg je prevelementjes,
de geschiedenisleraar komt binnen.
Op de mutor is slecht nieuws voor doven en horenden.
\'Er is een schuchtere rede die wij afschaffen.\'
De realiteit sloopt de mogelijkheden.
Met de strekking naar de speelvelden;
welk gevoel roept het produkt op?
Ouwe Truffoto heeft de mutorreclamebron geslagen,
Kemp rimpelt water uit de rotsen. Vrijheid van uiting.
Nu de voorlopige naam van de eeuwige organisatie nog even.
© 1997, Bezige Bij
From: (Robuuste tongwerken,) een stralend plenum
Publisher: Bezige Bij,
From: (Robuuste tongwerken,) een stralend plenum
Publisher: Bezige Bij,
Poems of Tonnus Oosterhoff
brain changer
How does the job of saying what it's like make you feel?Not happy. Not happy with timid reason alone.
(Consider then:)
Did the striding seed business say what it was like?
No; but you remembered thatchfully.
(Brain changer makes spiels of spelling.)
Suddenly it was party time in the head of Truffaut with a year left
to live: blue box smooth cox blue tit.
Freedom of impediment and expression.
I drag it out of me
With the changer into advertising. The smart admen all
have one nowadays.
I laugh to
(Remember this. Jam this. Riff this.
Even a passable Truffaut's a good one.)
It's so located, poetry. Where am I to place him with his scrawling
signature? A poem really needs five of you.
(Otherwise you don't get it? Is that what you mean?)
In the advert there's Pierre Kemp
(Wherever I point my nose she smells
I know what: I'll be a baker!
Did I remember it right? Don't see, don't say how.
Operate the playful changer.)
Oh lads, continue your murmurings,
the history teacher comes in.
On the changer there's bad news for the deaf and hearing.
'There's a timid reasoning we wish to abolish.'
Reality wrecks possibilities.
To the playing fields with the meaning;
what feeling does the product evoke?
Old Truffoto has tapped the changer advert source,
Kemp ripples water from rocks. Freedom of expression.
Now the provisional name of the eternal organisation once more.
From: (Robuuste tongwerken,) een stralend plenum
brain changer
How does the job of saying what it's like make you feel?Not happy. Not happy with timid reason alone.
(Consider then:)
Did the striding seed business say what it was like?
No; but you remembered thatchfully.
(Brain changer makes spiels of spelling.)
Suddenly it was party time in the head of Truffaut with a year left
to live: blue box smooth cox blue tit.
Freedom of impediment and expression.
I drag it out of me
With the changer into advertising. The smart admen all
have one nowadays.
I laugh to
(Remember this. Jam this. Riff this.
Even a passable Truffaut's a good one.)
It's so located, poetry. Where am I to place him with his scrawling
signature? A poem really needs five of you.
(Otherwise you don't get it? Is that what you mean?)
In the advert there's Pierre Kemp
(Wherever I point my nose she smells
I know what: I'll be a baker!
Did I remember it right? Don't see, don't say how.
Operate the playful changer.)
Oh lads, continue your murmurings,
the history teacher comes in.
On the changer there's bad news for the deaf and hearing.
'There's a timid reasoning we wish to abolish.'
Reality wrecks possibilities.
To the playing fields with the meaning;
what feeling does the product evoke?
Old Truffoto has tapped the changer advert source,
Kemp ripples water from rocks. Freedom of expression.
Now the provisional name of the eternal organisation once more.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère