Poetry International Poetry International

Sonja Prins

scales, the earth [excerpt]

seeing roe deer backs gold
among the dark is an organ
deep blue and red-green and golden sounds
and you move your idle hand
from the woods to the water
the bright world
a gentle fin kisses the frill
on the swaying stems
and the brilliant pebble
smooth as the word in the mouth
your mouth closed
your idle hand

look into the well of your breath
the flow in the earth's depth
(it is hazardous
a rope can break the brain
a garden of scattered cells)
breathe a scale
falling and rising
tranquil sea of life
i know you i measure you
i love the warm wind on my shoulders

weegschaal de aarde [fragment]

weegschaal de aarde [fragment]

reeruggen goud tussen donker
zien is een orgel
diepblauw en rood groene en gouden klanken
en je gaat met je hand onwerkzaam
van het bos naar het water
de heldere wereld
een zachte vin kust de franje
op stengels wiegend
en de schitterende kiezel
glad als het woord in de mond
je mond gesloten
je hand onwerkzaam

kijk in de put van je adem
de stroom in de diepte van de aarde
(het is gevaarlijk
een touw kan breken de hersens
tuin van verspreide cellen)
adem een weegschaal
dalend en stijgend
rustige zee van het leven
ik ken je ik meet je
ik hou van de warme wind om mijn schouders

Sonja Prins

Sonja Prins

(The Netherlands, 1912 - 2009)


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scales, the earth [excerpt]

seeing roe deer backs gold
among the dark is an organ
deep blue and red-green and golden sounds
and you move your idle hand
from the woods to the water
the bright world
a gentle fin kisses the frill
on the swaying stems
and the brilliant pebble
smooth as the word in the mouth
your mouth closed
your idle hand

look into the well of your breath
the flow in the earth's depth
(it is hazardous
a rope can break the brain
a garden of scattered cells)
breathe a scale
falling and rising
tranquil sea of life
i know you i measure you
i love the warm wind on my shoulders

scales, the earth [excerpt]

seeing roe deer backs gold
among the dark is an organ
deep blue and red-green and golden sounds
and you move your idle hand
from the woods to the water
the bright world
a gentle fin kisses the frill
on the swaying stems
and the brilliant pebble
smooth as the word in the mouth
your mouth closed
your idle hand

look into the well of your breath
the flow in the earth's depth
(it is hazardous
a rope can break the brain
a garden of scattered cells)
breathe a scale
falling and rising
tranquil sea of life
i know you i measure you
i love the warm wind on my shoulders

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère