Sonja Prins
when a seedling's brisk thrust
up through the earth
fails at first
and her tip looking up
at the sky freezes
or withers
all is lost
no operation
nor aid
can save her
first leap first
look at the world
is of such over-
bearing delight
to a plant
that her whole existence
zonder titel
zonder titel
wanneer de driftige stoot van een kiemplant
door de aarde naar boven
in eerste instantie niet lukt
en haar topje bevroren
of anders verdroogd
naar de lucht kijkt
is alles verloren
geen operatie
of hulp
kan haar redden
eerste sprong eerste
kijk op de wereld
is van zo'n doorslag-
gevende wellust
voor een plant
dat haar hele bestaan
Publisher: Uitgeverij Papieren Tijger, Breda
when a seedling's brisk thrust
up through the earth
fails at first
and her tip looking up
at the sky freezes
or withers
all is lost
no operation
nor aid
can save her
first leap first
look at the world
is of such over-
bearing delight
to a plant
that her whole existence
From: Weegschaal de aarde 6 - Rondom de Boshut en Gedichten 1982-2005
when a seedling's brisk thrust
up through the earth
fails at first
and her tip looking up
at the sky freezes
or withers
all is lost
no operation
nor aid
can save her
first leap first
look at the world
is of such over-
bearing delight
to a plant
that her whole existence