Poetry International Poetry International

Sonja Prins


my moving
backdrop and base
are vegetative
as with every human and animal ‒ 
we are lying as it were
on a waterbed of growth
processes ‒ one even more
luxurious than the other

even when it's urgent
as even languor urges ‒ 
exchange of genes
on DNA's ladder ‒ 
our results are less interesting
than what the plants show
but that's just appearance ‒ 
we don't carry our thorns on our backs and chests 

and surely less so than the cactus
whom, after careful consideration,
puts its feet in the earth
and quite simply lives
as a hexagon or pillar or sphere

we can't repeat after him
so simple and so strict ‒ 
but no one knows
their own interior
(or what remains)



mijn bewegende
achter- en ondergrond
is vegetatief
zoals bij elk mens en dier 
wij liggen als het ware
in een waterbed van groei-
processen het een
al luxueuzer dan het ander

ook als het dringend is
want zelfs de loomte dringt 
uitwisseling van genen
in de ladder van het DNA 
ons resultaat is minder interessant
dan wat de planten tonen
maar dat is schijn ‒ 
wij dragen onze stekels niet op onze rug en borst 

en zeker minder dan de cactus
die na rijp beraad
zijn voeten in de aarde plaatst
en heel eenvoudig leeft
als bol als zeskant of pilaar

we doen het hem niet na
zo simpel en zo streng ‒ 
maar niemand kent zijn eigen binnenkant
(of dat wat blijft) 

Sonja Prins

Sonja Prins

(The Netherlands, 1912 - 2009)


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my moving
backdrop and base
are vegetative
as with every human and animal ‒ 
we are lying as it were
on a waterbed of growth
processes ‒ one even more
luxurious than the other

even when it's urgent
as even languor urges ‒ 
exchange of genes
on DNA's ladder ‒ 
our results are less interesting
than what the plants show
but that's just appearance ‒ 
we don't carry our thorns on our backs and chests 

and surely less so than the cactus
whom, after careful consideration,
puts its feet in the earth
and quite simply lives
as a hexagon or pillar or sphere

we can't repeat after him
so simple and so strict ‒ 
but no one knows
their own interior
(or what remains)


my moving
backdrop and base
are vegetative
as with every human and animal ‒ 
we are lying as it were
on a waterbed of growth
processes ‒ one even more
luxurious than the other

even when it's urgent
as even languor urges ‒ 
exchange of genes
on DNA's ladder ‒ 
our results are less interesting
than what the plants show
but that's just appearance ‒ 
we don't carry our thorns on our backs and chests 

and surely less so than the cactus
whom, after careful consideration,
puts its feet in the earth
and quite simply lives
as a hexagon or pillar or sphere

we can't repeat after him
so simple and so strict ‒ 
but no one knows
their own interior
(or what remains)

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère