Jan Lauwereyns
The bluebuttgargle was not quack or quesidon, Zombie stated
bubbling to his muesli; the airco rattled its approval,
some time I’ll die of the gurgle like the chill at night past
venus slippers, yes, I mean that you too, my soulmeat,
are like a wax candle and a boobookworm, a thirsty thriller
and a smirk, the best soul a barren branch in your dogsbody,
Sheer rubbish, bless Bone, and the song of the words that You
read awake on a doggone twenty-first of July, far away
a feast day for the enraged, perish the thought You were
kissed by me, I glove you so, Zombie started rasping,
oh oh oh, tha tha them bones, the bodies sleep so deep and have
forgotten the horror, as things are now I will bite less
spitefully in your shoulder, my flavourite food, sweet sailor.
Publisher: First publication on poetryinternational.com, , 2023
De blauwbilgorgel was niet kwak of kwezidon, sprak Zombie
bubbelend tot zijn muesli, de airco ratelde instemmend,
eens sterf ik aan de schorgel, zoals de koelte ’s nachts langs
venusslippers, ja, zo meen ik dat ook jij bent, mijn zielgeno(o)t,
zoals een waskaars en een boeboekuil, een dorstige thriller
en een grijnslach, de beste ziel een kale tak in je hondenlichaam,
Zuiverniets, zegen Knook, en de zang van de woorden die Gij
wakkerleest op een verrekte eenentwintigste juli, ver weg
der verbolgenen een feestdag, vrees de gedachte dat U door mij
werd gekust, ik heb je zo grif, deed Zombie aan raspen,
oe oe oe, da da demband, de lijken slapen zo diep en zijn
de horror vergeten, zoals het nu gaat zal ik minder wreed
in je schouder bijten, mijn geliefkoosde voedsel, zoete matroos.
From: Zombie zoekt zielgeno(o)t
Publisher: Uitgeverij Koppernik, Amsterdam
The bluebuttgargle was not quack or quesidon, Zombie stated
bubbling to his muesli; the airco rattled its approval,
some time I’ll die of the gurgle like the chill at night past
venus slippers, yes, I mean that you too, my soulmeat,
are like a wax candle and a boobookworm, a thirsty thriller
and a smirk, the best soul a barren branch in your dogsbody,
Sheer rubbish, bless Bone, and the song of the words that You
read awake on a doggone twenty-first of July, far away
a feast day for the enraged, perish the thought You were
kissed by me, I glove you so, Zombie started rasping,
oh oh oh, tha tha them bones, the bodies sleep so deep and have
forgotten the horror, as things are now I will bite less
spitefully in your shoulder, my flavourite food, sweet sailor.
From: Zombie zoekt zielgeno(o)t
Publisher: 2023, First publication on poetryinternational.com, Amsterdam
The bluebuttgargle was not quack or quesidon, Zombie stated
bubbling to his muesli; the airco rattled its approval,
some time I’ll die of the gurgle like the chill at night past
venus slippers, yes, I mean that you too, my soulmeat,
are like a wax candle and a boobookworm, a thirsty thriller
and a smirk, the best soul a barren branch in your dogsbody,
Sheer rubbish, bless Bone, and the song of the words that You
read awake on a doggone twenty-first of July, far away
a feast day for the enraged, perish the thought You were
kissed by me, I glove you so, Zombie started rasping,
oh oh oh, tha tha them bones, the bodies sleep so deep and have
forgotten the horror, as things are now I will bite less
spitefully in your shoulder, my flavourite food, sweet sailor.
Publisher: 2023, First publication on poetryinternational.com,