Athena Farrokhzad
"We live like donkeys here"
We live like donkeys here
like nursery rhymes
haul garlic and dried lime from exile to stove
The walnuts are ready to be roasted
the pomegranate syrup is in the fridge
Oh, let me return to my barn
rest my head in the hay
like a threadbare invective
"Wij leven hier als pakezels"
Wij leven hier als pakezels
Als moraliserende gezangen
slepen knoflook en gedroogde limoen van exil naar spijs
De walnoten zijn gereed om te roosteren
de granaatappelstroop staat in de koelkast
O laat me teruggaan naar mijn stal
mijn hoofd neervlijen in de halmen
als een versleten schimpwoord
From: Een witte suite
Publisher: 2018, Perdu, Amsterdam
"Vi lever som packåsnor här"
Vi lever som packåsnor här
som sedelärande sånger
släpar vitlök och torkad lime från exil till spis
Valnötterna är redo att rostas
granatäppelsirapen står i kylen
Åh låt mig få återvända till mitt stall
vila mitt huvud i halmen
som ett utslitet invektiv

Athena Farrokhzad
The work of poet, playwright, translator and literary critic Athena Farrokhzad boils with rage, but it also resonates with concern, as one constantly gives way to the other. She believes that stories are the only legacy that really matters. Family therefore plays a key role in her work, as in her extraordinary collection White Blight, in which a family confronts the past in conversations about ...
"We live like donkeys here"
We live like donkeys here
like nursery rhymes
haul garlic and dried lime from exile to stove
The walnuts are ready to be roasted
the pomegranate syrup is in the fridge
Oh, let me return to my barn
rest my head in the hay
like a threadbare invective
"We live like donkeys here"
We live like donkeys here
like nursery rhymes
haul garlic and dried lime from exile to stove
The walnuts are ready to be roasted
the pomegranate syrup is in the fridge
Oh, let me return to my barn
rest my head in the hay
like a threadbare invective