Athena Farrokhzad
"In the courts of old, tables were decorated"
In the courts of old, tables were decorated
with figurines representing political events
to cue conversations among dinner guests
We put out miniatures of ourselves in porcelain
intended to lead attention to and from ourselves
Make ourselves appetizing to whatever power
it is that holds us hostage
Hang our heads between
two revolting bunches of hay
"Vroeger werden aan de hoven de tafels versierd"
Vroeger werden aan de hoven de tafels versierd
met figurinen die politieke gebeurtenissen uitbeeldden
om de genodigden van gespreksonderwerpen te voorzien
Wij presenteren miniaturen van onszelf in porselein
bedoeld om de aandacht van ons weg en naar ons toe te leiden
Maken ons aantrekkelijk voor ongeacht welke macht
die ons gegijzeld houdt
Laten ons hoofd zakken tussen
twee walgelijke schelven hooi
From: Een witte suite
Publisher: 2018, Perdu, Amsterdam
"Vid hoven förr i tiden prydde man borden"
Vid hoven förr i tiden prydde man borden
med figuriner som återgav politiska händelser
för att förse middagssällskapen med samtalsämnen
Vi ställer fram miniatyrer av oss själva i porslin
avsedda att leda uppmärksamheten från och till oss själva
Gör oss aptitliga för vilken makt
det nu är som håller oss gisslan
slokar med huvudet mellan
två motbjudande hötappar

Athena Farrokhzad
The work of poet, playwright, translator and literary critic Athena Farrokhzad boils with rage, but it also resonates with concern, as one constantly gives way to the other. She believes that stories are the only legacy that really matters. Family therefore plays a key role in her work, as in her extraordinary collection White Blight, in which a family confronts the past in conversations about ...
"In the courts of old, tables were decorated"
In the courts of old, tables were decorated
with figurines representing political events
to cue conversations among dinner guests
We put out miniatures of ourselves in porcelain
intended to lead attention to and from ourselves
Make ourselves appetizing to whatever power
it is that holds us hostage
Hang our heads between
two revolting bunches of hay
"In the courts of old, tables were decorated"
In the courts of old, tables were decorated
with figurines representing political events
to cue conversations among dinner guests
We put out miniatures of ourselves in porcelain
intended to lead attention to and from ourselves
Make ourselves appetizing to whatever power
it is that holds us hostage
Hang our heads between
two revolting bunches of hay