Athena Farrokhzad
"These days, the weather is nothing special"
These days, the weather is nothing special
neither sun, wind, snow, nor rain
just a humble gray sky
Don't be silly, my daughter objects
the wind is there even when you don't see it
I fry garlic in rapeseed oil
for an eggplant dip from the Caspian Sea
Turmeric stains the tiles
My daughter fetches her felt pens and says:
Let's paint everything yellow
"Er is geen specifiek weer meer"
Er is geen specifiek weer meer
geen zon, wind, sneeuw of regen
gewoon een grijze onopvallende lucht
Doe niet zo mal, werpt mijn dochter tegen
wind is er ook als je hem niet ziet
Ik bak knoflook in koolzaadolie
voor een aubergineschotel van de Kaspische zee
De kurkuma maakt vlekken op het mozaïek
Mijn dochter haalt haar viltstiften en zegt:
We verven alles geel
From: Een witte suite
Publisher: 2018, Perdu, Amsterdam
"Det är inget särskilt väder längre"
Det är inget särskilt väder längre
varken sol, vind, snö eller regn
bara en grå oansenlig himmel
Var inte dum, invänder min dotter
vinden finns också när du inte ser den
Jag steker vitlök i rapsolja
till en aubergineröra från Kaspiska havet
Gurkmejan fläckar ner mosaiken
Min dotter hämtar sina tuschpennor och säger:
Vi målar allting gult

Athena Farrokhzad
The work of poet, playwright, translator and literary critic Athena Farrokhzad boils with rage, but it also resonates with concern, as one constantly gives way to the other. She believes that stories are the only legacy that really matters. Family therefore plays a key role in her work, as in her extraordinary collection White Blight, in which a family confronts the past in conversations about ...
"These days, the weather is nothing special"
These days, the weather is nothing special
neither sun, wind, snow, nor rain
just a humble gray sky
Don't be silly, my daughter objects
the wind is there even when you don't see it
I fry garlic in rapeseed oil
for an eggplant dip from the Caspian Sea
Turmeric stains the tiles
My daughter fetches her felt pens and says:
Let's paint everything yellow
"These days, the weather is nothing special"
These days, the weather is nothing special
neither sun, wind, snow, nor rain
just a humble gray sky
Don't be silly, my daughter objects
the wind is there even when you don't see it
I fry garlic in rapeseed oil
for an eggplant dip from the Caspian Sea
Turmeric stains the tiles
My daughter fetches her felt pens and says:
Let's paint everything yellow