Poetry International Poetry International

Laura Accerboni

When they forced me

When they forced me
to eat,
the evening prophecy
‘That you grow strong and healthy’
they said,
while my teeth were
There was no pain
no path
was left alone
for long
and there was nothing to say
so there was nothing
to eat.
That was
the dream I had
while the prophecy
lay in little pieces
getting cold
on the plate
in front of me.

Toen ze me dwongen

Toen ze me dwongen
te eten
luidde de avondlijke profetie
‘Hier word je groot
en sterk van’
terwijl mijn tanden
pijn bestond niet
geen enkel pad
bleef lang
en niets viel te zeggen
dus viel er niets
te eten.
Dat was
de droom die ik had
terwijl de profetie
in kleine stukjes
op het bord
voor mijn ogen
koud lag te worden.

Quando mi obbligavano
a mangiare
la profezia serale
“Che cresci forte
e sana” dicevano
mentre mi si scheggiavano
i denti,
non esisteva dolore
nessuna strada
restava da sola
a lungo
e niente era da dire
quindi nulla
c’era da mangiare.
Questo era
il sogno che facevo
mentre la profezia
stava a piccoli pezzi
nel piatto
a raffreddarsi

When they forced me

When they forced me
to eat,
the evening prophecy
‘That you grow strong and healthy’
they said,
while my teeth were
There was no pain
no path
was left alone
for long
and there was nothing to say
so there was nothing
to eat.
That was
the dream I had
while the prophecy
lay in little pieces
getting cold
on the plate
in front of me.

When they forced me

When they forced me
to eat,
the evening prophecy
‘That you grow strong and healthy’
they said,
while my teeth were
There was no pain
no path
was left alone
for long
and there was nothing to say
so there was nothing
to eat.
That was
the dream I had
while the prophecy
lay in little pieces
getting cold
on the plate
in front of me.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère