Gloria Dünkler
He admired the savagery of the platoon starvingfor blood and glory, for the lives they took. His rage
gutted the inept, camping beneath the bull’s
horn or browning a calf near the fire, always with
death sleeping in their backpacks. The horror of souls
free of their skeletons sickened me, the agonized prayer
and the clutching hand. The lie they told the other side
of the radios, the end of some delirious hearts sunk
in the shit.
Then I knew it:
eras and peoples are all that seem to change.
• • •
I come from a trunk with deep roots: I am not
Schmied “the blacksmith” or Müller “the miller;”
we are the castaways of a beautiful secret, a mouth
of sharpened fangs sinking into flesh and memory
until you come to reveal me, to take what your elders
forged with iron and obedience. That you sacrificed
the lamb, insulted pure soil, forgot your
family and crossed the sea destined for America; this
and that they’ll say about you and your tree, but stay
strong and protect your life in legend. Let them say
what they will, we were not cowards.
• • •
Sometimes I wondered if perhaps my friend was right
in embracing with abandon his cause so it be better to meet
death with a bit of dignity. Never in an asylum
pissing himself like a child, inhaling the gruel, waiting
for a nurse to change his diaper. Yesterday, today or tomorrow
they gave the same, well, there will always be another war and
this will never end, as the epics rightly show.
This was more like a party: the only thing to change
would be the popular songs, the wooing of the beauty and the steps
of the new dancers. Sometimes he would ask me what
would have been correct: to stay in these lands or leave. Today
I know I will die in doubt.
© Translation: 2015, Edgar García
Admiraba el salvajismo de los pelotones hambrientosde sangre y gloria, de las vidas que quitaban. Su rabia
destripando al inepto, acampando bajo el cuerno de
tauro o dorando el cabrito cerca del fuego, siempre con la
muerte dormida en los morrales. Me asqueaba el horror de
las almas fuera del esqueleto, el rezo agónico y la mano
sujetándose. La mentira que narraban al otro lado de las
radios, el fin de unos corazones delirantes hundidos en la
Allí lo supe:
los siglos y los pueblos son todo lo que parece cambiar.
• • •
Provengo de un tronco de longevas raíces: no soy
Schmied “el herrero” o Müller “el que trabaja en el molino”;
somos náufragos de un bello secreto, una boca de afilados
colmillos que se clavan en la carne y en la memoria
hasta que vengas a relevarme, a tomar lo que forjaron
tus mayores con el hierro y la obediencia. Que sacrificas
al cordero, que ultrajas la tierra virgen, que olvidaste tu
familia y cruzaste los mares con destino a América; esto y
aquello dirán de ti y de tu árbol, pero te mantendrás firme
y has de proteger tu vida en la leyenda. Que digan lo que
quieran, menos que fuimos cobardes.
• • •
A veces me peguntaba si, quizá, mi amigo tenía razón en
abrazar con locura su causa patriota y era mejor encontrar
la muerte con un poco de dignidad. Jamás en los asilos,
orinado como un niño, tragando la papilla, esperando a la
enfermera por un cambio de pañal. Ayer, hoy o mañana
daban lo mismo, pues siempre vendría otra guerra y
aquello nunca pararía, como bien lo señalan las historias
épicas. Esto era como una fiesta: solo cambiarían las
canciones de moda, los cortejos a la bella y los pasos de
los nuevos bailarines. A veces me preguntaba qué habría
sido lo correcto: quedarme en estas tierras o partir. Ahora
sé que moriré con la duda.
© 2009, Gloria Dunkler
From: Füchse von Llafenko
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
From: Füchse von Llafenko
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
Poems of Gloria Dünkler
He admired the savagery of the platoon starvingfor blood and glory, for the lives they took. His rage
gutted the inept, camping beneath the bull’s
horn or browning a calf near the fire, always with
death sleeping in their backpacks. The horror of souls
free of their skeletons sickened me, the agonized prayer
and the clutching hand. The lie they told the other side
of the radios, the end of some delirious hearts sunk
in the shit.
Then I knew it:
eras and peoples are all that seem to change.
• • •
I come from a trunk with deep roots: I am not
Schmied “the blacksmith” or Müller “the miller;”
we are the castaways of a beautiful secret, a mouth
of sharpened fangs sinking into flesh and memory
until you come to reveal me, to take what your elders
forged with iron and obedience. That you sacrificed
the lamb, insulted pure soil, forgot your
family and crossed the sea destined for America; this
and that they’ll say about you and your tree, but stay
strong and protect your life in legend. Let them say
what they will, we were not cowards.
• • •
Sometimes I wondered if perhaps my friend was right
in embracing with abandon his cause so it be better to meet
death with a bit of dignity. Never in an asylum
pissing himself like a child, inhaling the gruel, waiting
for a nurse to change his diaper. Yesterday, today or tomorrow
they gave the same, well, there will always be another war and
this will never end, as the epics rightly show.
This was more like a party: the only thing to change
would be the popular songs, the wooing of the beauty and the steps
of the new dancers. Sometimes he would ask me what
would have been correct: to stay in these lands or leave. Today
I know I will die in doubt.
© 2015, Edgar García
From: Füchse von Llafenko
From: Füchse von Llafenko
He admired the savagery of the platoon starvingfor blood and glory, for the lives they took. His rage
gutted the inept, camping beneath the bull’s
horn or browning a calf near the fire, always with
death sleeping in their backpacks. The horror of souls
free of their skeletons sickened me, the agonized prayer
and the clutching hand. The lie they told the other side
of the radios, the end of some delirious hearts sunk
in the shit.
Then I knew it:
eras and peoples are all that seem to change.
• • •
I come from a trunk with deep roots: I am not
Schmied “the blacksmith” or Müller “the miller;”
we are the castaways of a beautiful secret, a mouth
of sharpened fangs sinking into flesh and memory
until you come to reveal me, to take what your elders
forged with iron and obedience. That you sacrificed
the lamb, insulted pure soil, forgot your
family and crossed the sea destined for America; this
and that they’ll say about you and your tree, but stay
strong and protect your life in legend. Let them say
what they will, we were not cowards.
• • •
Sometimes I wondered if perhaps my friend was right
in embracing with abandon his cause so it be better to meet
death with a bit of dignity. Never in an asylum
pissing himself like a child, inhaling the gruel, waiting
for a nurse to change his diaper. Yesterday, today or tomorrow
they gave the same, well, there will always be another war and
this will never end, as the epics rightly show.
This was more like a party: the only thing to change
would be the popular songs, the wooing of the beauty and the steps
of the new dancers. Sometimes he would ask me what
would have been correct: to stay in these lands or leave. Today
I know I will die in doubt.
© 2015, Edgar García

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère