Poetry International Poetry International

Gloria Dünkler

Wir wollen die ganze nacht trinken

In the tavern, after their watch, the veterans
described the details of their triumphs while lifting their cups,
whispering their songs to the smitten mistresses. There
would be no more good times after death
nobody would escape, so they smoked and came to blows
outside the barracks.
After having fought a few – for every
triumph a cross or a medal – , all I could think about was returning
to the south made a hero.

Wir wollen die ganze nacht trinken

Wir wollen die ganze nacht trinken

En la taberna, después de la guardia, los veteranos
relataban pormenores de sus triunfos alzando copas,
susurrando canciones a las mancebas enamoradas. Los
buenos tiempos no llegarían jamás pues de la muerte
nadie se escapaba, así que fumaban y discutían a golpes
afuera de las barracas.
Después de haber combatido a unos cuantos – por cada
triunfo una cruz y una medalla – , yo sólo pensaba en volver
al sur transformado en un héroe.

Wir wollen die ganze nacht trinken

In the tavern, after their watch, the veterans
described the details of their triumphs while lifting their cups,
whispering their songs to the smitten mistresses. There
would be no more good times after death
nobody would escape, so they smoked and came to blows
outside the barracks.
After having fought a few – for every
triumph a cross or a medal – , all I could think about was returning
to the south made a hero.

Wir wollen die ganze nacht trinken

In the tavern, after their watch, the veterans
described the details of their triumphs while lifting their cups,
whispering their songs to the smitten mistresses. There
would be no more good times after death
nobody would escape, so they smoked and came to blows
outside the barracks.
After having fought a few – for every
triumph a cross or a medal – , all I could think about was returning
to the south made a hero.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère