Gloria Dünkler
Blut der Eiche
And what if you bit that which beats in here?I take you to the counter at the tannery,
prepare the wine
and turn on a favorite opera:
the company of wolves and snakes,
the flight of sorcerers,
our dreams searing in the coals.
I will sing to your fathers and the triumph will be mine,
you will see that I will at last cut the secret’s knot.
Let us be leaders in these lines,
that others may track our path,
that they may be witnesses even if they do not want to.
And so that nobody will stand in our way
we will master the ax and the fire.
We will neither sing to the rose nor make it flower here,
we will pluck its petals until it bleeds
sink it in its thorns, murder it, so be it.
Neither god nor mortal laws want it,
life plants it in obscurity,
lineages that unify underground demand this
when it comes to choosing,
to teaching a song to a future son.
Then we will say:
life twisted us into the same tree, your sprout and mine,
our upright leaves, entangled.
At harvest
we unite the pieces of a secret wall
in the stone, in the juice, in the pulp
the blond and the brown crushed together.
We were neither cherry tree nor apple
but a graft of tongues,
one song of bones and nerves.
© Translation: 2015, Edgar García
Blut der eiche
Blut der eiche
¿Y si mordieras lo que palpita aquí adentro?Ahora te llevo a la mesa de la curtiembre,
preparo el vino
y enciendo la ópera predilecta:
la compañía de lobos y serpientes,
el vuelo de brujos,
nuestros sueños ardiendo en las brazas.
Cantaré a tus padres y el triunfo será mío,
verás que al fin cortaré el nudo del secreto.
Seamos caudillos en estas líneas,
que otros descubran el rastro,
que sean testigos aunque no lo quieran.
Y para que nadie se interponga
dominemos el hacha y el fuego.
No cantaremos a la rosa ni la haremos florecer aquí,
vamos a deshojarla hasta hacerla sangrar,
hundirla en sus espinas, asesinarla, que así sea.
No lo quiere dios ni las leyes mortales,
lo trama la vida desde el misterio,
lo ordenan los linajes que se unen bajo tierra
cuando se trata de escoger,
de enseñar un canto al hijo que viene.
Entonces diremos:
la vida nos ligó al mismo árbol, tu brote y el mío,
erguidas nuestras hojas, enredadas.
En tiempo de cosecha
unimos los pedazos de un mural secreto
en el carozo, en el jugo, en la pulpa
se estruja lo rubio y lo moreno.
No fuimos cerezo ni manzano
sino un injerto de lenguas,
un canto de huesos y nervios.
© 2009, Gloria Dunkler
From: Füchse von Llafenko
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
From: Füchse von Llafenko
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
Poems of Gloria Dünkler
Blut der Eiche
And what if you bit that which beats in here?I take you to the counter at the tannery,
prepare the wine
and turn on a favorite opera:
the company of wolves and snakes,
the flight of sorcerers,
our dreams searing in the coals.
I will sing to your fathers and the triumph will be mine,
you will see that I will at last cut the secret’s knot.
Let us be leaders in these lines,
that others may track our path,
that they may be witnesses even if they do not want to.
And so that nobody will stand in our way
we will master the ax and the fire.
We will neither sing to the rose nor make it flower here,
we will pluck its petals until it bleeds
sink it in its thorns, murder it, so be it.
Neither god nor mortal laws want it,
life plants it in obscurity,
lineages that unify underground demand this
when it comes to choosing,
to teaching a song to a future son.
Then we will say:
life twisted us into the same tree, your sprout and mine,
our upright leaves, entangled.
At harvest
we unite the pieces of a secret wall
in the stone, in the juice, in the pulp
the blond and the brown crushed together.
We were neither cherry tree nor apple
but a graft of tongues,
one song of bones and nerves.
© 2015, Edgar García
From: Füchse von Llafenko
From: Füchse von Llafenko
Blut der Eiche
And what if you bit that which beats in here?I take you to the counter at the tannery,
prepare the wine
and turn on a favorite opera:
the company of wolves and snakes,
the flight of sorcerers,
our dreams searing in the coals.
I will sing to your fathers and the triumph will be mine,
you will see that I will at last cut the secret’s knot.
Let us be leaders in these lines,
that others may track our path,
that they may be witnesses even if they do not want to.
And so that nobody will stand in our way
we will master the ax and the fire.
We will neither sing to the rose nor make it flower here,
we will pluck its petals until it bleeds
sink it in its thorns, murder it, so be it.
Neither god nor mortal laws want it,
life plants it in obscurity,
lineages that unify underground demand this
when it comes to choosing,
to teaching a song to a future son.
Then we will say:
life twisted us into the same tree, your sprout and mine,
our upright leaves, entangled.
At harvest
we unite the pieces of a secret wall
in the stone, in the juice, in the pulp
the blond and the brown crushed together.
We were neither cherry tree nor apple
but a graft of tongues,
one song of bones and nerves.
© 2015, Edgar García

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère