Marion Poschmann
Animals are bored. Enormous dogs outside their kennelsguarding building rubble and ruins of Prussian castles.
The hippo is guarding its filthy tiles, the bears’ rock
guards itself. In the aquarium pool of the TV set
real estate bubbles. Adverts for villas streaming below the show
on a black band.
Inclusions, exclusions, clouding from tiny bubbles.
House bubbles, prefab bubbles, new-build bubbles
covering the history of emptiness. For twenty years
Kant lived here. Church bubbles stood here where basketball
was played, hoops hanging from organ galleries, the goat in the chancel,
the gardener of the void.
Our subtle eye sees animals guarding bubbles.
Long-term experiment: keeping a bubble alive. Park mechanisms.
Art of the enclosure. The electric rocking horse sings. Small children
ride through passage rooms, through amber chambers. Soon
they’ll be guzzling Hamann in speech bubbles, cupcakes and pills
until they go pop.
Dieren vervelen zich. Reusachtige honden voor hun hokbewaken bouwafval en puin van Pruisische kastelen.
Het nijlpaard bewaakt zijn smerige tegels, de berenrots
bewaakt zichzelf. In de aquariumkom van het tv-toestel
vastgoedbellen. Advertenties voor villa’s stromen onder het programma
de zwarte balk binnen.
Ingesloten voorwerpen, uitgesloten dingen. Troebelheid door belletjes.
Huizenbubbels, systeembouwbubbels, bubbels van nieuwe gebouwen, die de
geschiedenis van de leegte verbergen. Hier woonde gedurende twintig jaar
Kant. Hier stonden bubbels van kerken waarin ze basketbal
speelden, hingen ringen aan het orgelbalkon, de bok in het koor,
tuinman van het niets.
Ons subtiele oog ziet dieren die bellen bewaken.
Langlopend experiment: een bel in leven houden. Parkmechanismen.
Kunst van de omheining. Het elektrische schommelpaard zingt. Kleine kinderen
rijden door doorgangskamers, door vertrekken van barnsteen. Spoedig zullen
ze tekstballonnen van Hamann slikken, koekjes en pillen,
waar je van barst.
Tiere langweilen sich. Riesige Hunde vor ihren Hüttenbewachen Bauschutt und Trümmer von preußischen Schlössern.
Das Nilpferd bewacht seine schmutzigen Kacheln, der Bärenfelsen
bewacht sich selbst. Im Aquarienbecken des Fernsehgeräts
Immobilienblasen. Villenannoncen strömen unter der Sendung
auf schwarzem Band.
Einschlüsse, Ausschlüsse. Trübung durch Bläschen.
Hausblasen, Plattenbaublasen, neue Gebäudeblasen, die die
Geschichte der Leere verdecken. Hier wohnte zwanzig Jahre lang
Kant. Hier standen Kirchenblasen, in denen man Basketball
spielte, Ringe hingen von Orgelemporen, der Bock im Altarraum,
Gärtner des Nichts.
Unser subtiles Auge sieht Tiere, die Blasen bewachen.
Langzeitversuch: eine Blase am Leben zu halten. Parkmechanismen.
Kunst des Geheges. Das elektrische Schaukelpferd singt. Kleine Kinder
reiten durch Durchgangszimmer, durch Bernsteingemächer. Bald werden
sie Hamannsche Sprechblasen schlucken, Küchlein und Pillen,
von denen man birst.
Poems of Marion Poschmann
Animals are bored. Enormous dogs outside their kennelsguarding building rubble and ruins of Prussian castles.
The hippo is guarding its filthy tiles, the bears’ rock
guards itself. In the aquarium pool of the TV set
real estate bubbles. Adverts for villas streaming below the show
on a black band.
Inclusions, exclusions, clouding from tiny bubbles.
House bubbles, prefab bubbles, new-build bubbles
covering the history of emptiness. For twenty years
Kant lived here. Church bubbles stood here where basketball
was played, hoops hanging from organ galleries, the goat in the chancel,
the gardener of the void.
Our subtle eye sees animals guarding bubbles.
Long-term experiment: keeping a bubble alive. Park mechanisms.
Art of the enclosure. The electric rocking horse sings. Small children
ride through passage rooms, through amber chambers. Soon
they’ll be guzzling Hamann in speech bubbles, cupcakes and pills
until they go pop.
Animals are bored. Enormous dogs outside their kennelsguarding building rubble and ruins of Prussian castles.
The hippo is guarding its filthy tiles, the bears’ rock
guards itself. In the aquarium pool of the TV set
real estate bubbles. Adverts for villas streaming below the show
on a black band.
Inclusions, exclusions, clouding from tiny bubbles.
House bubbles, prefab bubbles, new-build bubbles
covering the history of emptiness. For twenty years
Kant lived here. Church bubbles stood here where basketball
was played, hoops hanging from organ galleries, the goat in the chancel,
the gardener of the void.
Our subtle eye sees animals guarding bubbles.
Long-term experiment: keeping a bubble alive. Park mechanisms.
Art of the enclosure. The electric rocking horse sings. Small children
ride through passage rooms, through amber chambers. Soon
they’ll be guzzling Hamann in speech bubbles, cupcakes and pills
until they go pop.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère