Marion Poschmann
Pop-up park: there were discounts on flowers,planted with metal combines, planted with
a Lenin of petunias, with a Stalin of pansies,
a Khrushchev of chrysanthemums – all of you burst again into bloom
in the consciousness, speak languages of blossoms and blood,
languages of power.
Tubs full of bones lie buried beneath the grass.
Burst into bloom and speak tongues! Who rakes here? Who plants?
And who mows? Concrete flowers are freshly painted
in May, the prefab buildings refurbished, the edges
and boxes chalked; for the city is said to be the
mother of gardens.
Speak, park, just speak, so that I can see you.
Talk about the relics, reliquaries, talk about your rocket
trips into the beyond, about war memorials surrounded
by red tulips, by victories and sighs and by a present
with a spring flowing through it. Here those are strolling
who shall be dead hereafter.
Pop-up park: het waren bloemperken,beplant met metaalconglomeraten, beplant met
een Lenin van petunia’s, een Stalin van viooltjes,
een Chroesjtsjov van chrysanten – bloeien jullie nog één keer
op in het bewustzijn, spreek bloemen- en bloedtalen,
talen van de macht.
Tonnen botten liggen onder het gazon begraven.
Bloei op en spreek talen! Wie harkt hier? Wie plant?
En wie maaide? Bloemen van beton krijgen in mei
een nieuw laagje verf, de systeembouwflats worden gerenoveerd, de randen
en kassen gekalkt; want de grote stad wordt beschouwd als de
moeder van tuinen.
Spreek, park, spreek toch, opdat ik je zie.
Bespreek de relicten, relikwieën, spreek over je raket-
reizen naar het hiernamaals, over oorlogsmonumenten die zich met rode
tulpen omringen, met zegepraal en zuchten en met een
heden waar fonteinwater doorstroomt. Hier wandelen zij
die dood zullen zijn.
Pop-up-Park: es waren Blumenrabatten,bepflanzt mit Metallkombinaten, bepflanzt mit
Petunienlenin, mit Stalin aus Stiefmütterchen,
Chrysanthemenchruschtschow – blüht noch einmal
auf im Bewußtsein, sprecht Blumen- und Blutsprachen,
Sprachen der Macht.
Tonnen von Knochen liegen begraben unter dem Rasen.
Blüht auf und sprecht Sprachen! Wer harkt hier? Wer pflanzt?
Und wer mähte? Betonblumen werden im Mai
frisch gestrichen, die Plattenbauten erneuert, die Kanten
und Kästen gekälkt; denn die Großstadt gilt als die
Mutter von Gärten.
Rede, Park, rede nur, daß ich dich sehe.
Besprich die Relikte, Reliquien, rede von deinen Raketen-
reisen ins Jenseits, von Kriegerdenkmälern, die sich mit roten
Tulpen umgeben, mit Siegen und Seufzern und mit einer
brunnendurchflossenen Gegenwart. Hier wandeln jene,
die tot sein werden.
Poems of Marion Poschmann
Pop-up park: there were discounts on flowers,planted with metal combines, planted with
a Lenin of petunias, with a Stalin of pansies,
a Khrushchev of chrysanthemums – all of you burst again into bloom
in the consciousness, speak languages of blossoms and blood,
languages of power.
Tubs full of bones lie buried beneath the grass.
Burst into bloom and speak tongues! Who rakes here? Who plants?
And who mows? Concrete flowers are freshly painted
in May, the prefab buildings refurbished, the edges
and boxes chalked; for the city is said to be the
mother of gardens.
Speak, park, just speak, so that I can see you.
Talk about the relics, reliquaries, talk about your rocket
trips into the beyond, about war memorials surrounded
by red tulips, by victories and sighs and by a present
with a spring flowing through it. Here those are strolling
who shall be dead hereafter.
Pop-up park: there were discounts on flowers,planted with metal combines, planted with
a Lenin of petunias, with a Stalin of pansies,
a Khrushchev of chrysanthemums – all of you burst again into bloom
in the consciousness, speak languages of blossoms and blood,
languages of power.
Tubs full of bones lie buried beneath the grass.
Burst into bloom and speak tongues! Who rakes here? Who plants?
And who mows? Concrete flowers are freshly painted
in May, the prefab buildings refurbished, the edges
and boxes chalked; for the city is said to be the
mother of gardens.
Speak, park, just speak, so that I can see you.
Talk about the relics, reliquaries, talk about your rocket
trips into the beyond, about war memorials surrounded
by red tulips, by victories and sighs and by a present
with a spring flowing through it. Here those are strolling
who shall be dead hereafter.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère