Marion Poschmann
a triangle of energy, colourless and flat when seenfrom the air, spread out across the ground. contrasting
with it alarmingly blue attributes of labour, the open air sky,
the overalls, the lakes to come (the biggest in Europe).
spreaders shoving the soil aside. the inalienable,
the emptiness, yawning with boredom. we stood at the edge
of destroyed acres, of the division of powers
into bulldozers and belts (the biggest in the world).
mighty coal seams once more in a pose of sovereignty:
what was forest in the tertiary standing black and silent.
in a state of alert we, the briefly glinted-in sediments
of the earth’s history, we breathed dust, ate curtains of dust
still hanging inside nailed-up windows in the ghost villages,
we wandered slowly along the edge where the land fell away
like in relocated cemeteries. white mist rising
from new gullies, sprinkling appeasement – moon landscape
leaving us speechless. the veiled hole only half
visible, while we ourselves were undergoing coalification,
under the great day-to-day pressure silent chambers full of black
sun, easy to burn up, forest concentrate.
© Translation: 2015, Catherine Hales
een driehoek vol energie, kleurloos en vlak uit de luchtgegrepen, strekte zich uit op de grond. beangstigend blauw
contrasteerden daar attributen van de arbeid mee, de openluchthemel,
de overalls, de nakende meren (de grootste van Europa).
stortinstallaties schoven het aardrijk aan de kant. de onvervreemdbare,
de leegte, gaapte verveeld. wij stonden aan de rand
voor vernielde vlaktes, voor de scheiding der machten
in baggermolens en lopende banden (de grootste ter wereld).
machtige steenkolenlagen nog één keer in soevereine pose:
wat woud was in het Tertiair stond zwart te zwijgen.
wij in alarmtoestand, eventjes flonkerend ingezette sedimenten
van de geologie, wij ademden stof, aten van stofgordijnen
die in de spookdorpen nog steeds achter dichtgetimmerde
ramen hingen, wij trokken traag langs de rand van de groeve
zoals de kerkhoven die werden overgebracht. uit nieuwe slangen steeg
witte motregen op, sussende beneveling – maanlandschap
verslond onze taal. het gat achter de sluiers maar half
te zien, terwijl wijzelf het proces van inkoling doorliepen,
onder de dagelijkse hoge druk stille kamers vol zwarte
zon, makkelijk om te verstoken, woudconcentraat.
© Vertaling: 2015, Erik de Smedt
ein energisches Dreieck, farblos und flach aus der Luftgegriffen, breitete sich auf dem Boden aus. beängstigend blau
kontrastierten dazu Attribute der Arbeit, der Freilichthimmel,
die Overalls, die kommenden Seen (die größten Europas).
Absetzer schoben das Erdreich zur Seite. die Unveräußerliche,
die Leere, gähnte gelangweilt. wir standen am Rand
vor vernichteten Flächen, vor der Gewaltenteilung
in Bagger und Bänder (die größten der Welt).
machtvolle Kohleflöze noch einmal in Hoheitspose:
was Wald war im Tertiär, stand schwarz und schwieg.
alarmbereit wir, die kurz eingeglitzerten Sedimente
der Erdgeschichte, wir atmeten Staub, fraßen Staubgardinen,
die in den Geisterdörfern noch immer hinter vernagelten
Fenstern hingen, wir wanderten langsam die Abbruchkante entlang
wie die umgesiedelten Friedhöfe. aus neuen Schläuchen stieg
weißer Niesel, beschwichtigende Berieselung – Mondlandschaft
verschlang uns die Sprache. das Loch hinter Schleiern nur halb
zu sehen, während wir selbst den Prozeß der Inkohlung durchliefen,
unter dem täglichen hohen Druck stille Kammern voll schwarzer
Sonne, leicht zu verheizen, Waldkonzentrat.
© 2015, Marion Poschmann
Poems of Marion Poschmann
a triangle of energy, colourless and flat when seenfrom the air, spread out across the ground. contrasting
with it alarmingly blue attributes of labour, the open air sky,
the overalls, the lakes to come (the biggest in Europe).
spreaders shoving the soil aside. the inalienable,
the emptiness, yawning with boredom. we stood at the edge
of destroyed acres, of the division of powers
into bulldozers and belts (the biggest in the world).
mighty coal seams once more in a pose of sovereignty:
what was forest in the tertiary standing black and silent.
in a state of alert we, the briefly glinted-in sediments
of the earth’s history, we breathed dust, ate curtains of dust
still hanging inside nailed-up windows in the ghost villages,
we wandered slowly along the edge where the land fell away
like in relocated cemeteries. white mist rising
from new gullies, sprinkling appeasement – moon landscape
leaving us speechless. the veiled hole only half
visible, while we ourselves were undergoing coalification,
under the great day-to-day pressure silent chambers full of black
sun, easy to burn up, forest concentrate.
© 2015, Catherine Hales
a triangle of energy, colourless and flat when seenfrom the air, spread out across the ground. contrasting
with it alarmingly blue attributes of labour, the open air sky,
the overalls, the lakes to come (the biggest in Europe).
spreaders shoving the soil aside. the inalienable,
the emptiness, yawning with boredom. we stood at the edge
of destroyed acres, of the division of powers
into bulldozers and belts (the biggest in the world).
mighty coal seams once more in a pose of sovereignty:
what was forest in the tertiary standing black and silent.
in a state of alert we, the briefly glinted-in sediments
of the earth’s history, we breathed dust, ate curtains of dust
still hanging inside nailed-up windows in the ghost villages,
we wandered slowly along the edge where the land fell away
like in relocated cemeteries. white mist rising
from new gullies, sprinkling appeasement – moon landscape
leaving us speechless. the veiled hole only half
visible, while we ourselves were undergoing coalification,
under the great day-to-day pressure silent chambers full of black
sun, easy to burn up, forest concentrate.
© 2015, Catherine Hales

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère