Lies Van Gasse
Revolution XXI
This morning when, after years, I emerged,my hair was wet,
scales grew beneath my arms.
Heat lingered on the skin
like a false note.
The chrysalids lay exposed.
Maggots nibbled at my fingers,
and growing took time.
When my eyes also opened,
up came the sun. Toads were suddenly silent.
I felt almost sorry.
There was a curtain blocking my view,
and my fins stuck.
I had learned nothing, but this spring
gave me dead branches and a soft marsh.
This was all I needed.
I thought that even the biggest fish
suck pain, that the softest land is sailable.
I thought that where the ends meet,
nothing means a thing anymore.
There are strange currents in us,
that drag us into peaks and troughs,
but after years of sluggishness we swiftly overflow.
We sail toward the end.
Hunger pulls.
I am a mast that picks up words,
the ropes hard, but tight.
© Translation: 2013, Lies Van Gasse
Deze ochtend, toen ik na jaren boven kwam,waren mijn haren nat,
groeiden er schubben onder mijn oksels.
Hitte rustte op de huid
als een vals akkoord.
De poppen lagen bloot.
Maden vraten aan mijn vingers
en het groeien kostte tijd.
Toen ook mijn ogen open gingen,
kwam de zon op. Padden zwegen plots.
Ik had bijna spijt.
Er was een gordijn dat mij het zicht benam
en mijn vinnen zogen aan.
Ik had niets geleerd, maar deze lente
gaf mij dode takken en een zacht moeras.
Meer had ik niet nodig.
Ik bedacht dat zelfs de grootste vissen
pijn zuigen, dat het zachtste land bevaarbaar is.
Ik bedacht dat waar de eindes elkaar raken,
niets nog wat wil zeggen.
Er zitten vreemde stromingen in ons,
die ons in hoogtes en dieptes trekken,
maar na jaren van traagheid lopen we snel over.
Wij varen naar het einde.
Honger trekt.
Ik ben een mast die woorden vangt,
de touwen hard, maar strak.
© 2013, Lies Van Gasse
From: Wenteling
Publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam
From: Wenteling
Publisher: Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam
Poems of Lies Van Gasse
Revolution XXI
This morning when, after years, I emerged,my hair was wet,
scales grew beneath my arms.
Heat lingered on the skin
like a false note.
The chrysalids lay exposed.
Maggots nibbled at my fingers,
and growing took time.
When my eyes also opened,
up came the sun. Toads were suddenly silent.
I felt almost sorry.
There was a curtain blocking my view,
and my fins stuck.
I had learned nothing, but this spring
gave me dead branches and a soft marsh.
This was all I needed.
I thought that even the biggest fish
suck pain, that the softest land is sailable.
I thought that where the ends meet,
nothing means a thing anymore.
There are strange currents in us,
that drag us into peaks and troughs,
but after years of sluggishness we swiftly overflow.
We sail toward the end.
Hunger pulls.
I am a mast that picks up words,
the ropes hard, but tight.
© 2013, Lies Van Gasse
From: Wenteling
From: Wenteling
Revolution XXI
This morning when, after years, I emerged,my hair was wet,
scales grew beneath my arms.
Heat lingered on the skin
like a false note.
The chrysalids lay exposed.
Maggots nibbled at my fingers,
and growing took time.
When my eyes also opened,
up came the sun. Toads were suddenly silent.
I felt almost sorry.
There was a curtain blocking my view,
and my fins stuck.
I had learned nothing, but this spring
gave me dead branches and a soft marsh.
This was all I needed.
I thought that even the biggest fish
suck pain, that the softest land is sailable.
I thought that where the ends meet,
nothing means a thing anymore.
There are strange currents in us,
that drag us into peaks and troughs,
but after years of sluggishness we swiftly overflow.
We sail toward the end.
Hunger pulls.
I am a mast that picks up words,
the ropes hard, but tight.
© 2013, Lies Van Gasse

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère