Jules Deelder
The Ring der Kribelungen
Goering had a taste for ringsHe wore two around each finger
He wore rings around his toes
As well as one around his dick
This last one being a personal gift
From none other than der Fuehrer
A ring with old germanic runes
The Ring der Kribelungen which
According to the legend had once
Encircled Wotan's prick but as
Often in the case of legends this
One too was probably concocted
In that shady `fin–de–siecle'
By some fruitcake of the Romantic
School ‑ with which the German
Landscape used to be so richly
Strewn ‑ to serve the ideologists
Of Blood and Soil and other
Dregs from the cesspool of Mi-
Tropa and The Greater German
Balkan Grill & Crematorial Band
Conducted by the Devil Himself
Complete with brakes and accele-
Rator and the Iron Cross First
Class pinned to his chest with-
In sight of the Evil Eye – yes
Goering had a taste for rings
Rings of gold and precious stones
Rings cut out of marrow and bone
And rings with old germanic runes
Such as the Ring der Kribelungen
Round his dick which he'd only
Manage to get up in case of
Sharply falling morphine rates
– both for ampules and for pills –
For that would really turn him on
a different light
who liked the
heads at dawn bv
And show him in
As a genial man
Chopping off of
Whiteclad henchmen with an axe
© Translation: 1995, J.A. Deelder
De Ring der Kribelungen
De Ring der Kribelungen
Göring had een zwak voor ringenHij droeg er twee aan elke vinger
Hij droeg ringen aan z'n tenen
En eentje om z'n lul, die
Laatste een intiem geschenk van
Niemand minder dan de Führer
Een ring met Oudgermaanse runen
De Ring der Kribelungen, die
Ooit nog volgens de legende
De pik van Wodan had getooid
Maar zoals vaker met legenden
Leek ook deze in 't fin–de–siècle
Door een of andere mafkees
Uit de Romantische school –
Waarmee het Duitsche landschap
Altoos kwistig lag bestrooid –
Op een roestige namiddag
Gaargestoofd, ten gerieve van
De ideologen van bloed
En bodem en ander gebroed
Van de mestvaalt der Mitropa
En 't Gemengd Groot Duitsche
Balkan Grill & Crematorium
Orkest o.l.v. de Duivel zelf
Mèt gas– en rempedaal en 't
IJzeren Kruis der Eerste Klasse
Goed zichtbaar vor het Boze
Oog op de blazer gespeld – Ja
Göring had een zwak voor ringen
Ringen van goud en edelstenen
Ringen uit merg en been gesneden
En ringen met Oudgermaanse runen
Zoals de Ring der Kribelungen
Om z'n lul, die hij nog slechts
Omhoog kon krijgen bij scherpe
Daling der morfineprijzen –
Zowel voor zetpil als ampul –
Want daar lustte hij wel pap
Van en toonde zich dan
Opvallend gul
In voltrekking van de dood–
Straf met de bijl en geen gelul
Bij het grauwen van de morgen
Door een witgejaste beul
© 1995, J.A. Deelder
From: Transeuropa
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Transeuropa
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of Jules Deelder
The Ring der Kribelungen
Goering had a taste for ringsHe wore two around each finger
He wore rings around his toes
As well as one around his dick
This last one being a personal gift
From none other than der Fuehrer
A ring with old germanic runes
The Ring der Kribelungen which
According to the legend had once
Encircled Wotan's prick but as
Often in the case of legends this
One too was probably concocted
In that shady `fin–de–siecle'
By some fruitcake of the Romantic
School ‑ with which the German
Landscape used to be so richly
Strewn ‑ to serve the ideologists
Of Blood and Soil and other
Dregs from the cesspool of Mi-
Tropa and The Greater German
Balkan Grill & Crematorial Band
Conducted by the Devil Himself
Complete with brakes and accele-
Rator and the Iron Cross First
Class pinned to his chest with-
In sight of the Evil Eye – yes
Goering had a taste for rings
Rings of gold and precious stones
Rings cut out of marrow and bone
And rings with old germanic runes
Such as the Ring der Kribelungen
Round his dick which he'd only
Manage to get up in case of
Sharply falling morphine rates
– both for ampules and for pills –
For that would really turn him on
a different light
who liked the
heads at dawn bv
And show him in
As a genial man
Chopping off of
Whiteclad henchmen with an axe
© 1995, J.A. Deelder
From: Transeuropa
From: Transeuropa
The Ring der Kribelungen
Goering had a taste for ringsHe wore two around each finger
He wore rings around his toes
As well as one around his dick
This last one being a personal gift
From none other than der Fuehrer
A ring with old germanic runes
The Ring der Kribelungen which
According to the legend had once
Encircled Wotan's prick but as
Often in the case of legends this
One too was probably concocted
In that shady `fin–de–siecle'
By some fruitcake of the Romantic
School ‑ with which the German
Landscape used to be so richly
Strewn ‑ to serve the ideologists
Of Blood and Soil and other
Dregs from the cesspool of Mi-
Tropa and The Greater German
Balkan Grill & Crematorial Band
Conducted by the Devil Himself
Complete with brakes and accele-
Rator and the Iron Cross First
Class pinned to his chest with-
In sight of the Evil Eye – yes
Goering had a taste for rings
Rings of gold and precious stones
Rings cut out of marrow and bone
And rings with old germanic runes
Such as the Ring der Kribelungen
Round his dick which he'd only
Manage to get up in case of
Sharply falling morphine rates
– both for ampules and for pills –
For that would really turn him on
a different light
who liked the
heads at dawn bv
And show him in
As a genial man
Chopping off of
Whiteclad henchmen with an axe
© 1995, J.A. Deelder

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère