Poetry International Poetry International

Jules Deelder

Knuckle waltz

Oh cunthead ballsack
breakdown bared
gearstick first-aid kit
signalled despair
squandered tomcat
indecent ripe pear
Oh arsebiscuit ashtray
reprobate glare

Oh garfishhead grumbler
gloating grouse
dunce corner cistern
pensioners’ house
crumpled up stogie
undignified mouse
Oh skinnychops bouquet
depravity fount

Oh gas chamber crankshaft
transmission box hiss
nebuliser necktie
destruction business
withered up ice box
dismembered radish
Oh shithouse methane
white-knuckle jizz

Oh ace of clubs arsewipe
bigotted blip
wisdom tooth rollator
detox clinic
busted up toilet bowl
incensed comic
Oh waltz king sourpuss
miscegeny flourish

Oh useless clothead
bagpipe bag stampdance
botch-job kindergarten
exterminate camp
outdated submarine
unmasked dumbcrap
Oh shrewd-minded rentboy
pelvic bone snap

Oh schmutz strudel windbag
weigh station old maid
folding chair jigsaw
breakfast muffin pain
undignified laughing stock
lifeless tech whizz
Oh oatmeal blood blister
behaviour therapist

Oh arsekettle haggis
outcast peeping tom
forgotten partisan
weight-loss solution
singled-out grease stain
uprooted nature
Oh big-nose moneybags
denouncement gesture

Oh capricious joker
rustling bait
stickleback cocknose
taxation climate
insignificant tea cosy
lit cigarette
Oh madman crackpot
fuck-me-not street

Oh three-four time death blow
desperate vision
butterfingers neck shot
billiards champion
poisoned undervest
uprooted cunt
Oh ossuary botox
theatre season



0 kuttekop balzak
verkaveling naakt
verlengsnoer verbanddoos
vertrekvlag vergaat
verkwanselde dakhaas
ontaarde tomaat
0 kutkever asbak ver­
schoppeling kwaakt

0 gepenkop galbak
verkneutering ruist
verdomhoek vergaarbak
verkreukelde bolknak
ontluisterde muis
0 gratenbaal grafkrans
verloedering bruist

0 gaskamer krukas
versnellingsbak hijgt
vernevelaar stropdas
verkommerde koelkast
ontmande radijs
0 schijthuis moerasgas
verknekeling pijpt

0 klaveraas flapdrol
verkwezeling piept
verstandskies rollator
gebarsten closetpot
verbolgen komiek
0 walskoning zijksnor
verbastering tiert

0 halvezool klootoog
verdoedelzak danst
verhapstuk bewaarschool
verouderde duikboot
ontmaskerde kwal
0 bijgoochem broodpoot
verkrakeling knalt

0 kwakstroedel blaaskaak
van vaaghuizen meut
verklapstoel figuurzaag
ontbijtkoek verkleumt
vernederde pispaal
ontzielde techneut
0 havermout bloedblaar

0 reetketel rolpens
vervreemdeling gluurt
vergeetboek verzetsheld
vereenzaamde vetvlek
ontspoorde natuur
0 zinksnijer geldpest
verkettering tuurt

0 wouzekous grapjurk
verzwateling aast
uitstekelbaars droplul
verwaarloosde theemuts
ontstoken sigaar
0 mafketel mispunt

0 driekwartsmaat doodschop
vertwijfeling loert
verstoethaspel nekschot
vergiftigde borstrok
ontheemde flamoes
0 knekelhuis botox

Knuckle waltz

Oh cunthead ballsack
breakdown bared
gearstick first-aid kit
signalled despair
squandered tomcat
indecent ripe pear
Oh arsebiscuit ashtray
reprobate glare

Oh garfishhead grumbler
gloating grouse
dunce corner cistern
pensioners’ house
crumpled up stogie
undignified mouse
Oh skinnychops bouquet
depravity fount

Oh gas chamber crankshaft
transmission box hiss
nebuliser necktie
destruction business
withered up ice box
dismembered radish
Oh shithouse methane
white-knuckle jizz

Oh ace of clubs arsewipe
bigotted blip
wisdom tooth rollator
detox clinic
busted up toilet bowl
incensed comic
Oh waltz king sourpuss
miscegeny flourish

Oh useless clothead
bagpipe bag stampdance
botch-job kindergarten
exterminate camp
outdated submarine
unmasked dumbcrap
Oh shrewd-minded rentboy
pelvic bone snap

Oh schmutz strudel windbag
weigh station old maid
folding chair jigsaw
breakfast muffin pain
undignified laughing stock
lifeless tech whizz
Oh oatmeal blood blister
behaviour therapist

Oh arsekettle haggis
outcast peeping tom
forgotten partisan
weight-loss solution
singled-out grease stain
uprooted nature
Oh big-nose moneybags
denouncement gesture

Oh capricious joker
rustling bait
stickleback cocknose
taxation climate
insignificant tea cosy
lit cigarette
Oh madman crackpot
fuck-me-not street

Oh three-four time death blow
desperate vision
butterfingers neck shot
billiards champion
poisoned undervest
uprooted cunt
Oh ossuary botox
theatre season

Knuckle waltz

Oh cunthead ballsack
breakdown bared
gearstick first-aid kit
signalled despair
squandered tomcat
indecent ripe pear
Oh arsebiscuit ashtray
reprobate glare

Oh garfishhead grumbler
gloating grouse
dunce corner cistern
pensioners’ house
crumpled up stogie
undignified mouse
Oh skinnychops bouquet
depravity fount

Oh gas chamber crankshaft
transmission box hiss
nebuliser necktie
destruction business
withered up ice box
dismembered radish
Oh shithouse methane
white-knuckle jizz

Oh ace of clubs arsewipe
bigotted blip
wisdom tooth rollator
detox clinic
busted up toilet bowl
incensed comic
Oh waltz king sourpuss
miscegeny flourish

Oh useless clothead
bagpipe bag stampdance
botch-job kindergarten
exterminate camp
outdated submarine
unmasked dumbcrap
Oh shrewd-minded rentboy
pelvic bone snap

Oh schmutz strudel windbag
weigh station old maid
folding chair jigsaw
breakfast muffin pain
undignified laughing stock
lifeless tech whizz
Oh oatmeal blood blister
behaviour therapist

Oh arsekettle haggis
outcast peeping tom
forgotten partisan
weight-loss solution
singled-out grease stain
uprooted nature
Oh big-nose moneybags
denouncement gesture

Oh capricious joker
rustling bait
stickleback cocknose
taxation climate
insignificant tea cosy
lit cigarette
Oh madman crackpot
fuck-me-not street

Oh three-four time death blow
desperate vision
butterfingers neck shot
billiards champion
poisoned undervest
uprooted cunt
Oh ossuary botox
theatre season
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère