Nico Bleutge
punctured sky
the lines of telegraph wires above the skeleton’s sandstonethe swelling clouds behind the hills
the pupils clicking into position. oblique exposure of the horizon
the coolness of the ceramics on the upper side of the fingers, the pressure
of tiny hairs against the napkin rings, the perspective
of the memories stacked up on top of one another
the dullish angle of the steps, the shadowy notch
of a staircase leading downwards, spanned by grey wire
which strikes out the roofs, the narrowing verandas as well
the spatter of cleaning water on the rifts in the tar
the ivy’s rusty colouration, the coarse sugar-cubes
on the metal skins of the frigate in the harbour, plate upon plate
i fill with images for the future, fill and fill
the crescent of the ocean broken out of the picture, the lime
in the finger-grooves, the sand and this sky that’s turned blue
From: Mouth to Mouth. Contemporary German Poetry in Translation.
Publisher: Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia, 2004
Publisher: Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia, 2004
punktierter himmel
punktierter himmel
die streifen der telegraphendrähte über dem skelett aus sandsteindie aufquellenden wolken hinter den hügeln
das einrasten der pupillen. der schräg belichtete horizont
die kühle der keramik an der oberseite der finger, der druck
der härchen gegen die serviettenringe, die perspektive
der übereinander gestapelten erinnerungen
der matte winkel der stufen, die schattige kerbe
eines treppenabgangs, überspannt von grauem draht
der die dächer ausstreicht, die schmaler werdenden veranden
das aufspritzen des reinigungswassers an den rissen des teers
die rostige färbung des efeus, die groben zuckerwürfel
auf den metallhäuten der fregatte im hafen, platte auf platte
fülle ich mit bildern für die zukunft, fülle und fülle
die aus dem bild gebrochene sichel des meeres und den kalk
in den fingerrillen, den sand und diesen blau angelaufenen himmel
© 2003, Nico Bleutge
From: Mouth to Mouth. Contemporary German Poetry in Translation.
Publisher: Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia
From: Mouth to Mouth. Contemporary German Poetry in Translation.
Publisher: Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia
Poems of Nico Bleutge
punctured sky
the lines of telegraph wires above the skeleton’s sandstonethe swelling clouds behind the hills
the pupils clicking into position. oblique exposure of the horizon
the coolness of the ceramics on the upper side of the fingers, the pressure
of tiny hairs against the napkin rings, the perspective
of the memories stacked up on top of one another
the dullish angle of the steps, the shadowy notch
of a staircase leading downwards, spanned by grey wire
which strikes out the roofs, the narrowing verandas as well
the spatter of cleaning water on the rifts in the tar
the ivy’s rusty colouration, the coarse sugar-cubes
on the metal skins of the frigate in the harbour, plate upon plate
i fill with images for the future, fill and fill
the crescent of the ocean broken out of the picture, the lime
in the finger-grooves, the sand and this sky that’s turned blue
From: Mouth to Mouth. Contemporary German Poetry in Translation.
Publisher: 2004, Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia
Publisher: 2004, Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia
punctured sky
the lines of telegraph wires above the skeleton’s sandstonethe swelling clouds behind the hills
the pupils clicking into position. oblique exposure of the horizon
the coolness of the ceramics on the upper side of the fingers, the pressure
of tiny hairs against the napkin rings, the perspective
of the memories stacked up on top of one another
the dullish angle of the steps, the shadowy notch
of a staircase leading downwards, spanned by grey wire
which strikes out the roofs, the narrowing verandas as well
the spatter of cleaning water on the rifts in the tar
the ivy’s rusty colouration, the coarse sugar-cubes
on the metal skins of the frigate in the harbour, plate upon plate
i fill with images for the future, fill and fill
the crescent of the ocean broken out of the picture, the lime
in the finger-grooves, the sand and this sky that’s turned blue
From: Mouth to Mouth. Contemporary German Poetry in Translation.
Publisher: 2004, Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia
Publisher: 2004, Giramondo Publishing Company: Newcastle, Australia

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère