Dolores Dorantes
29.- We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt
“29.-We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt. You have to decide. Which mental measure. With which lapse and at what interval. Think of time. As you do every day. Time generates questions for girls. Distance generates measures for girls. It gives us what’s fair. We, the girls, wear your mask of perfect presidency. We sing like girls and we stick out our animal tongues. Girls – without iron and without wood – work like slave flowers, collecting honey. We are like an enchanting rain of petals. May they visit us. May they admire the miracle of walking over the girls, over their blood. May they experience the sky walking.”
© Translation: 2012, Jen Hofer
29.- We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt
“29.-We zijn gekomen als de ontkenning opdat jij ons uitroeit in de poging. Jij moet beslissen. Welke mentale maatregel. Met welke lapsus en met hoeveel tussentijd. Denk aan de tijd. Elke dag weer. De tijd brengt vragen voor meisjes voort. De afstand brengt maatregelen voor meisjes voort. Hij geeft ons precies genoeg. Wij meisjes dragen jouw masker van volmaakt presidentschap. We zingen als meisjes en laten onze dierentong zien. Wij meisjes werken – zonder ijzer en zonder hout – als slaafse bloemen, verzamelen honing. We staan erbij als betoverende bloemblaadjesregen. Laat ze ons bezoeken. Laat ze het wonder aanschouwen dat er over de meisjes en hun bloed heen wordt gelopen. Laat ze beleven dat de hemel loopt.”
© Vertaling: 2012, Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu
“29.-Hemos llegado como la negación para que nos extermines en el intento. Tienes que decidir. Cuál medida mental. Con qué lapso y a cuánta intermitencia. Piensa en el tiempo. Lo de todos los días. El tiempo genera preguntas para niñas. La distancia genera medidas para niñas. Nos da lo justo. Las niñas llevamos tu máscara de presidencia perfecta. Cantamos como niñas y enseñamos la lengua de animal. Las niñas —sin fierro y sin madera— trabajamos como flores esclavas, acumulando miel. Estamos como lluvia de pétalos encantadora. Que nos visiten. Que admiren el milagro de caminar sobre las niñas y sobre su sangre. Que vivan el cielo caminando.”
© 2011, Dolores Dorantes
From: Estilo
Publisher: ManoSanta Editores, Guadalajara
From: Estilo
Publisher: ManoSanta Editores, Guadalajara
Poems of Dolores Dorantes
29.- We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt
“29.-We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt. You have to decide. Which mental measure. With which lapse and at what interval. Think of time. As you do every day. Time generates questions for girls. Distance generates measures for girls. It gives us what’s fair. We, the girls, wear your mask of perfect presidency. We sing like girls and we stick out our animal tongues. Girls – without iron and without wood – work like slave flowers, collecting honey. We are like an enchanting rain of petals. May they visit us. May they admire the miracle of walking over the girls, over their blood. May they experience the sky walking.”
© 2012, Jen Hofer
From: Estilo
From: Estilo
29.- We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt
“29.-We have arrived like negation so you can exterminate us in the attempt. You have to decide. Which mental measure. With which lapse and at what interval. Think of time. As you do every day. Time generates questions for girls. Distance generates measures for girls. It gives us what’s fair. We, the girls, wear your mask of perfect presidency. We sing like girls and we stick out our animal tongues. Girls – without iron and without wood – work like slave flowers, collecting honey. We are like an enchanting rain of petals. May they visit us. May they admire the miracle of walking over the girls, over their blood. May they experience the sky walking.”
© 2012, Jen Hofer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère