Poetry International Poetry International

Jan Lauwereyns


The dog could not deny what it had found it was
snuffling sniffing out in a few days the dog had more

to sniff than was good for it and for its master

falling to his knees beside the corpse
lying under floorboards flagstones wrapped in seaweed

filthy false unworthy traces of her

his love who’d vanished just like that
between the pencils puppets pans and pins

the things he’d hoarded useless pointless and important

crucial signs and symbols signposts objects
he once collected should have glued for her.



De hond kon niet ontkennen wat hij vond hij snuffelde
snoof en kreeg op enkele dagen meer
te snuiven dan goed kon zijn voor hem en voor zijn baasje
dat neerzonk op zijn knieën naast het lijk
dat onder platen en planken lag in zeewier gewikkeld
valse vieze onwaardige sporen van haar
de geliefde die zomaar was verdwenen tussen pennen
poppen pannen pincetten dingen die hij
weigerde weg te gooien zinloos absurd en nodig
broodnodig tekens symbolen wegwijzers voorwerpen
die hij moest verzamelen lijmen ooit voor haar.


The dog could not deny what it had found it was
snuffling sniffing out in a few days the dog had more

to sniff than was good for it and for its master

falling to his knees beside the corpse
lying under floorboards flagstones wrapped in seaweed

filthy false unworthy traces of her

his love who’d vanished just like that
between the pencils puppets pans and pins

the things he’d hoarded useless pointless and important

crucial signs and symbols signposts objects
he once collected should have glued for her.


The dog could not deny what it had found it was
snuffling sniffing out in a few days the dog had more

to sniff than was good for it and for its master

falling to his knees beside the corpse
lying under floorboards flagstones wrapped in seaweed

filthy false unworthy traces of her

his love who’d vanished just like that
between the pencils puppets pans and pins

the things he’d hoarded useless pointless and important

crucial signs and symbols signposts objects
he once collected should have glued for her.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère